Aaahhh! I can't believe she's already three months! Partly because we've been a three-person family for three months, and partly because I've had three whole months (minus the six weeks before my check-up) to work out and lose the baby weight and I have done so three times! Ridiculous on both parts! She keeps amazing us with her many talents of talking, boxing, smiling, and she has added standing and sitting up (both with help) as of late. She also still loves those fat little fists of hers! We have been enjoying just being in her presence and so have her grandparents. Both sets love babysitting her and we love getting free daycare! I'm not sure what her "stats" are for this month since she doesn't see the doctor at three months, but she's almost too long for the bassinet that she takes her naps in and is now too long for her 0-3 month clothes and has graduated to 3-6 month clothes, which we have an abundance of (people seemed to buy us all 3-6 month clothing-apparently she was expected to go nude for the first three months-ewww).
Note: we've had a few people comment on her blog, but we love hearing people's responses, so please, leave your comments about how cute you think Kami is!
Kami loves her Grandma "Fuzzle!"
Her she is hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Prices in her bouncy seat. She has tons o' fun looking at the fish and listening to the bubbles.
Kami likes eating her fists with her panda that mom "bought" her. The Prices love Pandas!
This is the outfit that her dad picked at Babies R' Us. It's got a soccer ball on the butt!
Pretty cute, huh? She kind of looks like a boy...oh well. I think that's her dad on the side making funny faces at her. Like I said, she likes sitting up lately.
Here we are trying to change her in the car. It wasn't too bad and she was pretty happy after she had dry pants on! And yup, those eyes are still blue!
She likes hanging out on the floor on this mat and looking at herself in the mirror. She keeps herself entertained for about thirty minutes. Perfect time for doing laundry!
Kami looks pretty good in her purple dress. We were trying to get some cute pictures of her standing up...
and she had enough of that! She showed us!
The weather's been pretty nice in Boise lately, so we decided she needed a hat to wear outside. We also decided she needed to start riding a camel through the desert, but I suppose that can wait.