Friday, March 30, 2007

13 Weeks Old

Kami is now past the three month mark and still doing well. She's sleeping from 9 at night till 7 in the morning, so both Garrett and I are enjoying full nights of sleep, although this week, she's been a little off with waking up at 3 or 5 and having trouble falling asleep at night. Hopefully, it's just an "off" week. Grandma and Grandpa Dokken went to Jackpot for an overnight getaway, so Garrett got to spend a whole day with Kami and I left work early, so we had a fun family day. She never ceases to amaze us as she keeps changing and growing every day it seems!

She's still keeping up on her boxing training. She floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee!

Kami and her dad were so sleepy! It had been a tough day of XBox...

Like I said earlier, the Prices love pandas! Her 3-6 month clothes are still a little big, but I'm sure she'll grow into them soon.

She broke out a little bit of a smile. Clearly, she wasn't as impressed with her outfit as I was.

Garrett can now play "Flying Baby" since she can control her head better. I'm waiting for her to throw up on him. That would be a good picture!

Three Months Old!

Aaahhh! I can't believe she's already three months! Partly because we've been a three-person family for three months, and partly because I've had three whole months (minus the six weeks before my check-up) to work out and lose the baby weight and I have done so three times! Ridiculous on both parts! She keeps amazing us with her many talents of talking, boxing, smiling, and she has added standing and sitting up (both with help) as of late. She also still loves those fat little fists of hers! We have been enjoying just being in her presence and so have her grandparents. Both sets love babysitting her and we love getting free daycare! I'm not sure what her "stats" are for this month since she doesn't see the doctor at three months, but she's almost too long for the bassinet that she takes her naps in and is now too long for her 0-3 month clothes and has graduated to 3-6 month clothes, which we have an abundance of (people seemed to buy us all 3-6 month clothing-apparently she was expected to go nude for the first three months-ewww).

Note: we've had a few people comment on her blog, but we love hearing people's responses, so please, leave your comments about how cute you think Kami is!

Kami loves her Grandma "Fuzzle!"

Her she is hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Prices in her bouncy seat. She has tons o' fun looking at the fish and listening to the bubbles.

Kami likes eating her fists with her panda that mom "bought" her. The Prices love Pandas!

This is the outfit that her dad picked at Babies R' Us. It's got a soccer ball on the butt!

Pretty cute, huh? She kind of looks like a boy...oh well. I think that's her dad on the side making funny faces at her. Like I said, she likes sitting up lately.

Here we are trying to change her in the car. It wasn't too bad and she was pretty happy after she had dry pants on! And yup, those eyes are still blue!

She likes hanging out on the floor on this mat and looking at herself in the mirror. She keeps herself entertained for about thirty minutes. Perfect time for doing laundry!

Kami looks pretty good in her purple dress. We were trying to get some cute pictures of her standing up...

and she had enough of that! She showed us!

The weather's been pretty nice in Boise lately, so we decided she needed a hat to wear outside. We also decided she needed to start riding a camel through the desert, but I suppose that can wait.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

11 Weeks Old

As far as Kami goes, not much has happened this past week. As far as our family goes, though, we've had a pretty eventful week. My mom (Tessa's) had a follow-up CT scan and blood tests to see how she's progressing and how the chemotherapy is affecting her, and we received some good news, which was a nice change The doctor said that the spots on her liver have shrunk significantly and the spots on her lungs were so small that the radiologist didn't even include them in the report that was sent to the doctor, so for the next twelve months, she'll be getting a low-dose of chemo every four weeks instead of a high-dose every three weeks. They'll be able to travel and she might even start growing her hair back since this new chemo has less side-effects. We are all very thankful for the news! And now what you're all waiting for, pictures of our adorable girl!

I love her profile shots because they show just how chubby her little cheeks are!

Her hair is getting a little longer, but it still sticks up like a little troll doll!

She likes to smile at people that she recognizes, which is happening more often. She loves smiling at her grandpa in the morning!

She's getting ready to sneeze. Whenever she does sneeze, it's usually in threes or fours, which is pretty funny. Her dad always sneezes twice, so I wonder if it's genetic...

She fell asleep after her morning bottle, so I laid her down on our bed and she stayed asleep. She's pretty freakin' cute!

10 Weeks Old

Well, Garrett finally got home this past weekend after being in Austria for two weeks. He was in Vienna doing God's work (i.e. drinking beer with a Hungarian girl and shopping at IKEA) and both Kami and I are happy that he's home. Kami's been growing quickly and continues to develop her talents (smiling and talking). As you'll notice below, she has developed a new talent. We've had her watching Rocky movies and training daily and nightly and ever so rightly!

Sometimes she has a rough time waking up in the mornings. She really likes to stretch.

After she wakes up though, she's all smiles!

And more smiles!

And even more smiles!

She's been doing a lot of speedbag training.

I coulda been a contenda!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Nine Weeks Old

Kami's showing her personality off a bit more now. She likes to smile and talk in the mornings and evenings and then takes one long nap in the afternoon. She's been sleeping through the night-she'll go to bed around 9:00 and wake up at 5:00 to eat and then again at 8:00 or so, so its been pretty easy with Garrett gone. He'll be getting home tonight, so we're both looking forward to that. Sundays are quite exhausting for Kami-she gets dressed up and passed all around and is fine at church, but then gets fussy and tired later in the afternoon. What's a mom to do?

Here's her little toothless grin...

and here it is again...

and one more time.

Kami liked her church outfit for a bit...

and then I had to go an put a sweater on her.

Like I said, she's pretty tired after church, just like her mom!

Kami's very happy about her troll hair.

Two Months Old!

I can't believe she's two months already! The time seems to have flown by, which everyone told me would happen, but I guess I didn't believe it until now. Kami got her shots today. She did pretty well-her face turned bright red and she started screaming when the first needle poked her, and by the time the third and final shot was given, her mouth was open, but no sound was coming out of it. It was a little funny-does that make me a bad mother? She got weighed and measured too. She is now 11 pounds 10 ounces-almost four pounds gained since December-and 23 1/2" long-two-and-a-half inches longer in two months! Her new nickname is "Little Miss Eightieth Percentile."

She's finally liking her swing more.

Sometimes she gets very excited about it! She's pretty cute!

Here's mommy and Kami both looking very sleepy.

Tummy time quickly turned to nap time. Her hair keeps growing up!

Her eyes are still blue, if you can even tell. She gets red-eye in pictures sometimes. I'm still watching for some brown...

Kami was very happy about being two months old. She did not stay this happy-she hadn't seen the doctor yet.

Here's Uncle Nick and Aunt "Patso" as Garrett likes to call her. What a dork. Garrett, that is.

How you doin'? Kami's talking to Daddy in Austria.

Seven Weeks Old

I know I haven't posted in a while. Garrett left for Austria on Kami's seven-week birthday, so we were busy trying to get him packed and shipped off. Kami continues to get bigger and has new faces and sounds all the time. One of her new faces is her "I'm pooping" face, which I will post pictures of when Garrett gets back with the camera and card. Meanwhile, here are some pictures to enjoy.

Here's Kami and Panda Joe that her dad "bought" for her.

This was our attempt at a family picture after dressing Kami up for church. She was NOT happy with us.

Apparently she likes Batman like her dad...

She thought her shirt was funny too!