This week, Grandma and Grandpa Dokken are in Coeur d'Alene visiting some family, so Kami has been spending some extra time with Aunt Patsy and her Grandma Carol. She's been pretty drooly this week-maybe one of those teeth will make an appearance soon. She loves putting her hands in her mouth (and anything else that she can get close to her mouth-burp cloth, bib, toys, everyone else's hands...). I can't believe how big she's getting-she's almost too long for her 3-6 month clothes, and she's not even four months old yet!
Friday, April 27, 2007
17 Weeks Old
Saturday, April 21, 2007
4 Months Old!
Kami is now four months old and I still can't believe she's been around that long! This past Saturday, we flew to Denver to visit our friends, the Hufstedlers, and to try to find a place to live for when Garrett starts school at Iliff. I was a bit nervous for the plane trips, but she was great on both. The only hang-up was when she threw-up in Denver before we boarded our plane to go back to Boise and I didn't have any extra clothes for her, so she flew home in a diaper. We did get a place to live, so that was nice, but it was a long, long week. It was fun to see Judah-the girls are about the same length and Kami's about a pound lighter than Judah. They both seemed pretty unimpressed with each other, but hopefully that will change since they'll be sharing a room in a few months!
She had her shots on Friday and is 14 lbs. 9 oz. and 25 3/4" long. She's grown about four inches since birth and has almost doubled her birth weight. She's in the 75% for weight and 90% for height, so she's a long little girl. She's still teething and her gums are pretty swollen and her doctor was pretty impressed with her hand-eye coordination and how strong her little legs are. Plus, he thought her blue eyes were pretty cool-so do we!
She had her shots on Friday and is 14 lbs. 9 oz. and 25 3/4" long. She's grown about four inches since birth and has almost doubled her birth weight. She's in the 75% for weight and 90% for height, so she's a long little girl. She's still teething and her gums are pretty swollen and her doctor was pretty impressed with her hand-eye coordination and how strong her little legs are. Plus, he thought her blue eyes were pretty cool-so do we!
15 Weeks Old
This week was exciting because we had Garrett's birthday (27 years old), Easter, and a baby blessing all on April 8th. Easter celebrations were a little hectic, as are all holiday celebrations, because we have about three different places to go to. Plus, Kami's been teething quite a bit this past week, so her mouth was bothering her. Other than that, things are going well-she still sleeps through the nights and is so much fun, we're wondering when we'll stop enjoying her, like so many people have told us. I'll believe it when I see it...
Kami really likes putting her hands in her mouth. She likes other peoples' hands too.
14 Weeks Old
Kami continues to grow and get longer, as is her hair (I guess it's really getting taller). She's starting to enjoy the wind being blown in her face-she's makes a gasping noise and just closes her eyes and smiles. She's smiling at everybody and on the verge of laughing, which we're excited about. She's a constant source of joy to all around her.
Kami's starting to have even more fun at bath time! It looks like she has a rooster comb on the top of her head. I'm pretty sure it will start laying down soon, but I think I've been saying that since week one!
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