Friday, April 17, 2009

27 1/2 Months

The beginning of April was a busy one with Garrett getting one step closer to 30 (he turned 29 on the 8th) and two Easter parties (right after church we headed to Garrett's parents' house, then off to my parents' house). Kami also had three days where she didn't take a nap (two where we put her down and she talked for 2 hours and the other day was Easter). I'm hoping we're not getting to the point of no naps, because I need those times as much as she does.
As far as potty training goes, Kami has pretty much lost interest. We've decided to let her take the lead, but we did pick up some Mickey Mouse stickers to start a sticker chart for her. She's a bit obsessed with Mickey Mouse lately, so we're hoping maybe that's the push she needs to start potty training again.
Kami's vocabulary grows more and more each day and we can understand almost everything she says to us. She's also memorized her night-time routine with dada (sing some songs and say a prayer), so she can say all the words to the songs and the prayer and if dada's not home to put her to bed, I have to call him so he can sing and pray with her. It's pretty sweet.
We were in the car one day and Kami was being the silly girl that she is, so we told her "You're silly." She responded, "No, I Kami!" She's right-she's Kami!
The Easter pictures are sort of out of order, but who cares? They're cute to look at.
Kami trying to tame Garrett's unruly mane.

Our little Picasso at Old Navy drawing up a storm.

And this is why she doesn't get to use chalk too often. We bought her some for our house, but I think we'll break it out when she's in a swimsuit or something.

Kami's bear kind of looks like a creepy "big brother" watching her sleep. By the way, we stopped putting PJs on her because she likes to sleep in the buff, but she started taking her diaper of again, so we've recently had to go back to backwards pajamas. One step forward, two steps backward.

This is what I have to deal with every morning. It takes a good 5 minutes to get this looking somewhat decent. I think I've come to the conclusion to get her hair trimmed so all of it is the same length. Maybe that will help the tangles.

Man-what a haul! So many choices!

Kami had to get some help opening her Easter eggs.

"Hep me Aunt Patsy!"

Then we were off to another Easter egg hunt at my parents' house.

Grandma, a cousin, and Kami looking for Easter eggs at Garrett's parents' house.
Kami took off by herself to check out her stash.

What? I didn't do anything.

"Look mama! My hack!" For some reason, some words that end in "t" end with a "k" in Kami's vocabulary..."hack" for "hat" "coke" for "coat" get it.

"Mama! I got Mickey bowl and book!" She was very proud of her Easter loot which was all Mickey stuff. She's a bit obsessed with Mickey lately.

Mmm...chocolate donut...this is why she's still not wearing any clothes...


Kami only ate a quarter of the donut and ended up with an entire chocolate mustache.

This kid is a nudist at heart and wouldn't wear clothes anywhere if we didn't make her.

Kami was so excited about her Mickey books that she had to break out a pen and start writing.

"Dada-give Mickey kiss."

"I kiss Mickey!"

Kami trying to force-feed Minnie a jellybean, or in "Kami speak," "jell-beam."
The weather is starting to act like spring around here, so we took a trip to the park and Kami got a well-deserved ice cream cone at the end of our day.
"I cool kid with my gasses!"

Hair everywhere!
Kami's turning into quite the climber, which worries her parents a bit.

She's got her eyes on the prize...the slide.

"I sidin' with dada!"

Kami and dad hanging out in the tube.

Cute kid.

Kami got to ride on a teeter-totter with dada.

"Look mama! I swingin'!"

"Yummy! Ice keem!"

Nice ice cream soul patch.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

27 Months

Kami is creeping closer and closer to 2 1/2 and while I'm sad to not have my baby around anymore, we've had so much fun with our toddler! She is a goofy little girl who loves Diego, Mickey, and the Backyardigans. She still won't sit through an entire cartoon (they're only 20 minutes long), but she loves to sing along to the music and repeat the words. Kami can now count to 10 all by herself and can get to 20 with a bit of help. She can also sing the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle on her own.
We've had some weird weather up here-one day it's nice and Kami can go outside, one day it's freezing (literally) and she's got to stay inside all day. One day she asked if she could go outside and I told her "Sorry-it's too cold outside!" She responded by saying "It's okay mama. I put my hack (hat) and coke (coat) on!" 2-year old logic is cute!
Kami's been working on her numbers for a while and it's really hard to get her other fingers to stay underneath her thumb.

So close...

"Mama-I two!"

Kami loves to hang out in her towel after a bath, so I threw a blanket over her and she was as happy as a clam!

"Mama-I eating a nut!"

Kami looks like such a big girl and it makes me a little sad. Boo.
*Kami and Shepherd were playing outside and they both went for the frisbee at the same time, so Shep nibbled on Kami's hand a bit. We had to put a bandage on that "owie" for about a week.*

Hmm...should I be upset about this?

Does it hurt?

She had dada check it out to make sure her owie was okay.