Happy 4th of July! The Price family had a fun time with the Bewley clan. We swam a bit, ate some hotdogs and hamburgers, played at the park, and watched stuff blow up. Is there any other way to celebrate our freedom?
On another note, Kami had some leftover mosquito bites that are very evident in some of these pictures. Some of them even blew up to quarter-sized blobs and we were a bit worried. They ended up clearing up with a little hydrocortisone and antibiotic cream, but she looked pretty miserable. We've also began to seriously potty train her, which has been going smoothly. She goes pee in the toilet, but pooping is another subject all together. One afternoon when we were at home, she got really quiet in the bathroom while washing her hands, so I asked her what she was doing. She responded "I poopin' mama!" I asked where she was pooping at and she said "In my pants!" Nuts. We're really hoping to have just one kid in diapers, so we've got 9 weeks left. Wish us luck!