Goodbye February, hello March! The Prices are ready for spring and some nice weather outside. We all went on a bike ride today and enjoyed the sunshine. Brooklyn seemed to enjoy herself and Kami always has a blast in the stroller.
Brooklyn seems like she is getting closer and closer to being mobile, which means we will be installing "baby prison" again soon. She LOVES her big sister and would love to follow her all over the place if she could. Kami is still thrilled to be a big sister and is very protective of Brooklyn when she is upset. She has to give her a hug and kiss before naps/bedtime and will go check on her if she cries.
Kami and Garrett got to go to Portland for his school, so Kami got to spend some time with cousin Keenan, so there is a shortage of pictures for this installment, but fear not, I will have more pictures and videos (if I can get them to work) for next month.
Funny stories:
Kami called me from Portland and left me a voicemail: "Hi mama (I can hear Garrett's mom's voice in the background). I love you. Call me back. Her not talking to me!" then I can hear Carol trying to explain voicemail to Kami. I called her back later that evening and our conversation was about a minute long because she had to get back to coloring. Her priorities are a bit out of whack at times, but Garrett assured me that she was missing me, and of course, baby sister.
Garrett dropped Kami and Brooklyn off at a friend's house for the day and Kami insisted on getting a hug and kiss before he left (like she always does). Garrett turned around to leave and Brooklyn screamed at him a few times until he gave her some love. She was pretty pleased with herself after she got some attention.
Brooklyn seems like she is getting closer and closer to being mobile, which means we will be installing "baby prison" again soon. She LOVES her big sister and would love to follow her all over the place if she could. Kami is still thrilled to be a big sister and is very protective of Brooklyn when she is upset. She has to give her a hug and kiss before naps/bedtime and will go check on her if she cries.
Kami and Garrett got to go to Portland for his school, so Kami got to spend some time with cousin Keenan, so there is a shortage of pictures for this installment, but fear not, I will have more pictures and videos (if I can get them to work) for next month.
Funny stories:
Kami called me from Portland and left me a voicemail: "Hi mama (I can hear Garrett's mom's voice in the background). I love you. Call me back. Her not talking to me!" then I can hear Carol trying to explain voicemail to Kami. I called her back later that evening and our conversation was about a minute long because she had to get back to coloring. Her priorities are a bit out of whack at times, but Garrett assured me that she was missing me, and of course, baby sister.
Garrett dropped Kami and Brooklyn off at a friend's house for the day and Kami insisted on getting a hug and kiss before he left (like she always does). Garrett turned around to leave and Brooklyn screamed at him a few times until he gave her some love. She was pretty pleased with herself after she got some attention.