Sunday, October 10, 2010

A toddler and pre-schooler

The end of September was a busy one for the Prices. There were lots of stuff going on for both Garrett and I at work, then Garrett got sick (he's feeling better now), and Brooklyn (teething) and Kami both had some sick days here and there, so needless to say, most pictures are from around the house. There aren't as many as usual because I lost my camera and now have to use my big digital SLR camera instead of a point-and-shoot, but there are still plenty of pictures.

Brooklyn has a new sense of independence now that she's a toddler and walking all over the place. She has a mind of her own and a bit of a temper (we've seen a few temper tantrums recently-awesome), but it's neat to see her come into her own. Kami is still our hilarious, sweet big sister. The two girls love to play together and it's fun to watch them use their imaginations, even if it means I have to clean up Kami's room (most recently, they were throwing balls at each other and there were about 100 to pick up later that night). Brooklyn is chatting more and more, and her favorite word right now is "uh-uh," but she means "uh-oh." She also loves the kitties, and I would let her play with them more if I knew that she wouldn't pound them on the head. Kami is fantastic with them and loves to try to play hide-and-seek with them in the garage, or as Kami calls it, the "buh-gage."

Enjoy the pictures!

Her favorite word right now is "uh-uh," which roughly translates into English as "uh-oh" and is always telling me this when she splashes water on to the ground, throws her cup on the floor, or drops something. She thinks she's pretty funny when she drops something, says "uh-uh," then smiles. Thanks.

Helping Mama out with the dishes.

She finds all sorts of stuff while she takes her baths in the sinks.

Playing with mama's sunglasses that are now broken.

Smiley, happy baby.

And this is why we call Brooklyn our "monster baby." She has fantastic bedhead. This morning, she was trying to get out of her room with her beloved blanket.

Trying to get it wrapped around herself.

She finally managed to walk with her blanket.

Millie wasn't too thrilled at the idea of Po. We'll try again later.

Nice belly tat.

Kami was complaining one night that she didn't get to watch a cartoon on the big TV, then got really quiet for a while. I finally checked on her, and she had fallen asleep on the couch. Can you find her under her blankets and bears? I spy...

Brooklyn now gives kisses...hope you don't mind open-mouth kissing my 1-year old!

Brooklyn chillin' in the ball pit. Luckily, this one is much cleaner than McDonald's.

Dada reading a bedtime story.

These two have so much fun together.

Kami all wrapped up after her bath.

Is it just me, or does it look like Garrett's going to punch my kid?

Dorky face.

Brooklyn hungry!

She was a big fan of Kami's mac and cheese.

I think this graham cracker might be bigger than her.

She loves her black beans!