The second part of March had a few more nicer days, and Kami and I ended up going to the park on one of these days, even if it did end up in a storm. I think that sometimes Kami gets jealous of baby sister's behaviors and attention, so I try to spend some alone time with her every once in a while, and our trip to the park was fun for both of us. Brooklyn's continue to gets bigger and bigger every day and she has an extreme stubborn streak that rears its ugly head a lot. She also has a HUGE temper that she displays when she doesn't get her way, which often includes candy that she's found in the pantry and us taking it away from her. She's also quite the hitter and likes to try to slap us when we pick her up from throwing a fit or try to put her to bed. She listens to Kami really well and sometimes we'll ask Kami to tell Brooklyn something for us and she looks at Kami and listens to every word she says. Turd.
Enjoy the pictures of our sweet girls!
Kami and I took a walk to the park and she had tons of fun, even if there were storm clouds close.

Even though she's not a baby, she loves the baby swings still.

This poor girl had purple cheeks by the time we were done, but it was worth it! I think sometimes she needs some one-on-one time, without her sister.


Dad lifting the girls for a workout.

Brooklyn thinks it's hilarious.


Now it's Kami's turn!

Big smile!

Time for some chest presses with these two.

They had tons of fun playing with dad.

Me: Brooklyn, leave those alone! B: blank stare...This is the usual response we get from her when trying to tell her to stop something or leave something alone.

Brooklyn really wanted to wear big sister's pj's. When I saw this picture, Garrett and I both had the same thought: we both thought it was a picture of Kami. Maybe they do really look alike...

Up close and personal with her dorky grin. You know the movie "The Christmas Story" and the mom tells the younger brother "Show me how the little piggy eats!"? Well, this is what I think of her when I see this face. She breaks it out anytime my camera or phone are near her, since she knows that I'm taking her picture. Kami used to do the same thing around this age.

Kami saw baby sister having so much fun with big clothes on, she decided she wanted to wear Dada's shirt.

Brooklyn's cheesy, ice cream sandwich grin.

Kami tried to imitate Brooklyn's grin, but she doesn't have quite the same effect as her baby sister.

Another cheesy grin, this time with dip on her face. Man, she's a ham, and a cute one at that.

Cheesy sister grins!

We let Kami watch a show on my phone one night, and we realized that we hadn't heard any noise from our room, so we went to check on her and this is what we found. She was nice enough to turn my phone off and had tucked herself into our bed.