December was a good month for us. We got a lot of the little tasks done around the house and got to enjoy some time off with our families. Garrett’s parents came to town during Christmas, Kami turned five years old, we didn’t get any snow, and Santa was good to us.
During Christmas, we had our traditional clam chowder on Christmas Eve with both sets of families, turkey with Garrett’s family on Christmas, and rib roast with my family a few days later. For Kami’s birthday, we went to the mall and Kami built a bear, or a Hello Kitty named Jeans to be exact, got a pretzel for lunch (her choice), and then went to Pojo’s and played some games. We also did a birthday celebration with a princess cake, some candles and balloons, and a few presents.
Brooklyn is starting to talk in more sentences (I can't do it, It's stuck, Where Kami at?) that we can actually understand but shows no interest in potty training. Since it was so stressful the first time with Kami, I figured she can choose when she wants to start crapping in a toilet because I’m not going to go through that stress again. Maybe I should just make Garrett handle it…
Kami is still our wonderful, creative, brilliant girl. I can’t believe that she’s five years old already! It constantly blows my mind that she’s our sweet girl that used to be a tiny little baby. She’s getting pretty good at her math and writing skills, so I’m hoping her transition to kindergarten this fall will go well for all of us.
Enjoy the pictures of our fun month!

Each girl has their own parent's iPhone to watch a show on, because God forbid they share...

Grandma helping the girls decorate some Christmas cookies.

It's hard to get everyone to look and smile at the same time.

Brooklyn was more interested in wearing her potty seat than using it.

It was also a ride for her.

More cookie decorating. Aren't my girl's cheeks the cutest?!

Kami picked out the cookies and wrote the letter for Santa. She was very pleased with herself.

Grandma and Papa got B a "Mommy Ellie."

The girls got La-La-Loopsy dolls from Santa this year.

The girls were very "helpful" when opening my presents.

Our snack table that stayed up throughout the holiday season.

Brooklyn was hooked by Tom and Jerry's Nutcracker.

Another exciting morning of opening presents.

More elephant toys for Brooklyn.

She was so excited about her stocking stuffers, her pigtails were moving!

And another present-opening morning, this time with my family.

My cute nephew, Jonah.

"It too heaby."

She loved the tutu from Uncle Nick and Aunt Patsy so much that she had to put it on right away.

Kami, Molly (my dad's girlfriend), my dad, and Brooklyn. Again, it's tough to get everyone to look and smile at the same time.

Brooklyn decided she was done with opening presents, so it was time to watch a show on someone's phone.

Kami was so excited for Build-A-Bear.

It was kind of pricey, but so worth it!

Her lunch of choice, a pretzel and strawberry lemonade.

Dad, the photo bomber.

I don't know who was more excited for the bumper cars...

Riding a reindeer round and round.

Driving her Tonka truck.

Kami Flinstone.

Kami likes to bowl overhand.

Kami was nice enough to let her little sister help open her presents.

Both the girls were waiting for dad to tune the ukelele.

Pretty excited about her birthday ukelele.

Brooklyn's head gets stuck in her shirts a lot.

As excited as she was about Jeans, Bear-Bear still manages to be the favorite.

The girls trying to see some stars out the window.