This week, Garrett's been busy getting ready for school-he's registered and finished his financial aid stuff, and we even bought some school supplies! I've completed two weeks of work and will be showing up for more-the bigger branch can't scare me off! Kami has now moved to fruits-she likes bananas (including the rice cereal with banana in it), pears, and applesauce, but it was a no-go with peaches and I'm not sure I want her trying prunes (if you'd like to change all of her diapers after prunes, you go right ahead-I know what prunes do to adults and I can only imagine what they do to little ones). We went to a park in downtown park this weekend to join the Hufstedlers and their friends for a jazz concert. There were four couples there and four baby girls-5 1/2 months, 7 months, 9 months, and 10 months-and they all seemed to enjoy themselves. Kami is showing interest in crawling, bun she's still not mobile. She's still having a lot of fun with Judah and teething, and all-in-all, the Prices are doing well!

Kami got a little upset waiting for her food.

She did calm down to try some pears. I think she likes them...

Kami and dad were playing and she thought it was really funny when he put the tag rag on her head.

Yup. Really funny.

It's a little hard trying to feed her some applesauce when she's checking out the ceiling fan.

She did seem to like them, but still unimpressed.

This is her "my first time trying this food" face, so we're never sure if she likes what we're feeding her. We figure if she keeps opening her mouth, she likes it, right?

Kami and Judah both ended up with the same outfit, so we decided to take some pictures. They were both very happy about being twinners!

Cody was entertaining them while I took their pictures. To the left, to the left...

One of the few pictures of both of them looking at me. They're pretty cute, huh?

Kami likes to lounge on the couch like Grandpa Dokken. She sure loves her Grandpa!

We're not quite sure how she feels about peaches. We tried two nights in a row, but we might have to wait a bit on those.

Kami did seem to like bananas, even though they smell totally gross! Ugh!

It still seems like she wears more of her food than she gets in her stomach.

We also got Kami a new high chair that we just put on top of one of our dining room chairs. She wasn't as excited as mom was about this.

Two cute girls in their high chairs! They sometimes eat at the same time, which is a little frustrating because they like to distract each other and not eat. At least they have fun with each other!

Kami's getting better at tummy time and playing on the floor on her stomach. She's working on crawling, but can't quite get the coordination and timing down.

She amuses herself quite frequently and squeals and laughs at whatever she thinks is funny, and sometimes, we can't figure out what it is.

Here we are at the park. It was a nice day until the wind decided to throw dirt around. Not so much fun getting dirt everywhere. Kami had some carrots and whenever she has orange stuff (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash) on her face, it makes her blue eyes really stand out. Still blue!

She was really having fun with her dad!

Since she's teething again, she'll chew on anything, and since she's almost always wearing a bib, that's usually what she ends up eating. They must taste delicious!

Sometimes the girls play with each others' toys, and Kami really likes Judah's exersaucer. I'm glad it keeps her entertained so I can read my People magazine and see who's dating who! I like to keep up on my reading...
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