If you haven't already heard, Garrett, Kami, and I are moving back to Idaho (we'll be living in our house that we built in Nampa-we were trying to sell it while we've been here, but it didn't, so it's our now! We keep it!). Carol (Garrett's mom) has been here since Thursday night and she'll be flying back to Boise Tuesday morning and she's taking Kami with her so we can get our stuff packed up without having to chase a baby around or drive twelve hours with her. I'll miss her tons, but it will be easier to pack and drive without her (which we will be doing Saturday).
Kami is cutting yet another tooth. She now has her two middle bottom teeth and her new one is cutting on the top, in the middle. She's been a little fussy because of her teeth and she's been waking up in the middle of the night crying, so it's been a little rough, but nothing we couldn't handle!
This week has been an exciting one, and a sad one. I'm sad because I will miss the Hufstedlers and it will be sad for Kami to not have interaction with her best friend, but we'll each visit each other lots. It's been exciting because Kami's grandma has been here and we've gotten to show her around Denver a bit, Garrett had a soccer game that we all got to enjoy, and we threw Judah a birthday party for her first birthday (which isn't for another two weeks) that included a baby-friendly cake! It was so much fun and I'm glad we got to have the party before we left!

Tooth update! Here's her two bottom teeth. I'm still trying to capture the top tooth, but it's a bit difficult.

Kami loves to go around and beg for food or drink from people that are around her. One night, Garrett had some water in his water bottle and Kami just had to have some!

It looks like we're feeding a small calf. What a silly girl! She actually drank pretty well from the water bottle!

She loves to share mom's blizzard too!

Kami really likes her vanilla teething biscuits as an after-dinner treat.

Look ma! No hands!

Kami LOVES her bear from Alaska that Uncle Nick and Aunt Patso brought her. She cuddles with it when she's tired.

At lunch, Garrett had some tomato basil soup that he was eating. Kami was eating her rice cereal/mixed vegetables mush and then noticed dad's lunch. She immediately stopped eating her lunch and started slapping her hand in his general direction, which means "I want whatever you've got! Now!" Garrett gave her some soup and a waitress noticed she was eating it, so she got us a little bowl of it that she devoured. Afterwards, she had a little bit of a soup mustache (and dribble). She loved it! Hope she's not allergic to tomatoes...

Please sir, can I have some more?

Man, that was good!

Bibs don't taste as good as tomato basil soup!

Looks like Kami, Judah, and Abby are mischievous little girls!

Yeah, we caught you!

She's pretty proud of her dad (which by the way, she's starting to "sort of" say)!

Standing up is getting so much easier for Kami. She's constantly letting one hand go and occasionally, she'll let go with both hands, but it lasts about two seconds and when she realizes what she's done, she panics slightly and grabs on to whatever's closest with determination.

I love diaper! Mmm...

How do I get this thing opened?

Kami's starting to clap at things, but she does the one-hand clap with one hand staying stationary and the other hand doing the actual clapping.

Crawling downhill in the long grass proved to be slightly difficult.

She's such a sweet little girl!

Here's dad's number one fan!

Jeannie and her snacks attract babies from all over!

Here's the birthday girl in her birthday hat!

I bought some leis for the babies (Judah, Kami, and Abby-Robb and Michelle's daughter who's ten months old)-Kami looks like a Broncos supporter!

This is a general idea of what the cake looked like before the babies.

Kami's got her eyes on the prize.


Frosting got everywhere!

We gave Kami a quick sink-bath after the cake to get all the frosting off. She was not happy.
Kami looks to be embarrassed by the humiliation of a sink bath. I cannot say I blame her, just ask Tara sometime.
Hmmm...so, who taught her to eat diapers? I know she learned by example!! Was it mom or dad??
2 words: Liquid Benadryl
It saved my life when my girls were teething! Take just a little on your finger and rub it around on Kami's gums. It numbs them so much longer than that Orajel crap! If rubbing it on the gums doesn't work, give a dose to her at bedtime for a couple of nights--and take a swig, yourself--and all will be merry! Sweet dreams and happy moving.
She's telling us to drug the child! Which I'm on board with.
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