Happy Halloween to everyone! Kami still wasn't sure what to think of this Halloween stuff and we didn't go trick or treating, but we did answer my parents' door a million times and give out candy. She was thrilled to find out that she could reach the candy bowl, so every time we went to answer the door, she would open the door, act shy, and then grab a piece of candy and take it to the nearest sucker for her "cocoa pease!" which is usually my dad.
Kami is also starting to “speak” in sentences, like “bed in there,” “up pease,” and “where bear at.” We’re starting to understand more of her words and can communicate with her pretty well. We’re getting closer to her second birthday too! How exciting!

Would you have guessed anything else for Kami's costume? The dog is her "cousin," Silva.

What a goofy kid.

Can you guess who their favorites are? She's been referring to my dad as "papa" when I ask her about him. Maybe that's his name. Grandma has been "gamma," like the ray.

She was very excited to get new pj's from "gamma and papa."

Kami and cocoa go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Who is that masked girl? It's Kami!

A good crime fighter always has their pacifier and bear.

The dynamic duo.

Braid success!

This shot is her "glamour shot" for a hair commercial. Her luxurious locks are flowing!

Yay for Batgirl!

You know what would be a good prize for a 2-year old costume winner? Glo-sticks that look like candy! Fantastic idea...

This is Kami's "grandpa face." This is how they both look when concentrating on something.

This is how we trick Kami into eating carrots-by putting ranch on her plate.

This is what Kami gets for trying to dress herself. Note the shirt on her legs and her shoes on the wrong feet. Practice makes perfect.

Kami and dad focusing on the game.

Go Broncos! Go Kami in grandpa's pj pants! She looks thrilled, doesn't she?

Kami's a very protective mommy and tries to keep her baby out of the elements. How sweet.

It took her quite a while to get this blanket on the stroller.

Kami loves to read and especially loves her "Babies" book that grandma Dokken got here. It was actually one of my favorite books when I was a baby.

She's pretty good at entertaining herself.

So, I went to throw her clothes in the hamper and this is what I came back to find in the bathroom.


Then she got shy.

She's still a sweet kid.

Tired girl. See the bruised knee? She plays hard and sleeps hard.
I think the pink Crocs made the costume.
I always think of Garrett when I see anything related to Batman...now I will think of Kami as Batman anytime I see anything related to Batman...not a bad switch.
She is so cute! I can't wait till you come here next month! FRIENDS!
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