The second half of November was an exciting one for our family. We got to celebrate Thanksgiving and all of our blessings. We are so thankful for our friends and family and all of the love we are surrounded by.
We also got to celebrate a friend's birthday by going out for pizza and bowling. Kami had a blast bowling and dancing and mom broke 100! I should go pro...
As far as Kami goes, she's starting to speak in more sentences (mainly "mama, more cocoa pease" and "okay, I wanna go side now") and we are beginning to understand her more easily. I can't believe she's going to be 2 in a month. Crazier things have happened...

Kami wanted to help dad keep score.

Kami and "Aunt" Tara dancing at the bowling alley.

Kami's a bit of an exhibitionist and likes to show her belly.

Hmm...I think the orange one would be good...

For some reason, I can't get this second pair of pants on...

"Ooh! Dah-ee? Gamma granpa" She loved the doggy postcard that Grandma and Grandpa Dokken sent to her from Arizona.

Kami loves my chapstick and mimics everything I do lately.


We went to check on Kami one night and she had her legs stuck outside the crib.

Kami was making her own egg mcmuffin. Yummy. "Mmm..ehs an cheese an bread?"

Kami was giving dad knuckles.

Looks like Kami's going to take off in flight.

It's kung-fu Kami!

Our first snow!

This is where some of Kami's stickers end up...

and here's where the others land.

Kami can get up in our dining room chairs way too easily. There have been a few times that we've found her standing on the table. Good idea...

Kami's got a thing for car seats and buckles. Weird.
I can't believe Kami's almost 2! I know you have loved being a mom! I responded to your comment on my blog about Lonesome Dove...check it out. Thanks so much, by the way, for being an awesome comment-er (if that's a word). I'm sorry I can't visit your blog more...not having the internet at home really sucks! Love ya!
She looks so much like you Tessa! She is so cute! I miss you bringing her into work.
yeah she is cute and funny and all that but when is she going to start bringing home a pay check? She needs to start pulling her own weight.
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