Friday, January 30, 2009


Kami LOVES to dance! Here's a montage of some footage we've collected recently. She's got some pretty sweet moves.

Note-she says "I wanna sit" towards the end, not what you think...

25 Months

Kami is now 2 years, 1 month old and we are beginning to understand more and more of her words and sentences that she says to us. She is starting to speak in more sentences (mama, Mickey Mouse show pease, dada, I hungy for sgetti, mama, go potty pease) and we're surprised at what words she knows. She has also continued her pooping-in-the-potty, but she still hasn't peed in there. Kami loves going to her grandparents' houses as well as daycare and basically shoves us out the door as soon as we walk in the door (bye-bye, go now). Another thing that happened this past 2 weeks is that she can have a phone conversation. She used to just breathe and you could hear chewing on the other end, but now you can ask her yes or no questions and she can tell you if she's been a good girl or not. It's crazy to think that this is the same girl we've had for more than 2 years-she's changed so much!

Kami and cousin Keenan going nigh-nigh on the floor. She thinks this is hilarious.
Another thing Kami thinks is hilarious-walking around underneath a blanket.

These two have so much fun together and every time they see each other, it's like no time has gone by.

Grandma and cousin Keenan enjoying a TV show with Kami.

What a cute dork! Note her awesome Converse sneaks. She also had to take one of mama's scarf after she saw me put one on.

Dada and Kami rockin' pinball.
She had a blast! Come to think of it, so did Dada.

Kami cruisin' along Main Street.

Kami has a knit Mickey Mouse from one of my mom's clown friends, and she "borrowed" his pants one afternoon. She did have her pants on over these, but as soon as mama and dada got to my parents' house, she had to show off her new pantaloons.

Notice her chicken-legs...not sure where she got those from...also notice her bruises on her shins...she bruises easily like her mama.

Kami fitting in a few stretching exercises into her busy schedule.

Kami's nightly routine includes suctioning snot,

brushing her teeth,

and putting on her pjs backwards. Yes...backwards. It's the only way her pajamas stay on through the night as well as her diaper. We used to get the 2-piece ones, but we would find her nude and her sheets soggy, so we put an end to that!

Kami chillin' at home on the couch.

Say "cheese!"

Kami dancing to her favorite TV show.

Friday, January 16, 2009

2 Years 1/2 Month

The beginning of January was exciting with New Years (crab legs for dinner!) and my 28th birthday. Kami still wants to sit on the potty, but rarely does anything. She always tells me "mama poo poo" and we go in to the bathroom where she takes her pants and diaper off. She did manage to actually poop in the potty (didn't think I needed to post a picture of a turd in a plastic toilet). Kami's speaking more in sentences (mama I wan cheese, mama cocoa pease, mama more app-o pease) and is such a sweet girl who is learning her manners (pease and cank u). We love having a toddler around the house and are hopeful that the terrible twos never show up.

Kami carried the stool all the way from the other room for ganpa to do his fancy fist thing. When he does it, Kami likes to shake her hands all around.

Kami's a fan of eating limes. Yum...

Kami LOVES stickers and putting them all over the place...

like on her nose.

Kami and mama celebrating New Years with some sparkling cider.

Kami loves her baths. She loves to put her dog (woof woof) to bed (nigh-nigh-go seep) on the side of the tub with a washcloth for a "bankit."

To put a baby to bed, you first read her a book...

then you put her in her crib...

then you try to get into her crib on your own (with no pants on...weird...)

then you put her star and bankit on her. Nigh-nigh. Go seep!

Kami had some left over cupcakes from her birthday.


Kami likes to read on the potty.

Kami using one of her Christmas presents and taking her baby for a walk with the diaper bag. She was nice enough to share one of her bears with her baby.

I asked Kami to go stand next to her bike and this is what she did.

Kami practicing her golf stroke. This was a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa Dokken.

Kami really enjoys her trampoline from her Grandma and Papa Price. Mama and dada are stuck with it in their room until they can figure out a better place for outside...guess we should wait until it's not 20 degrees outside.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kami Turns 2!

Kami had a great birthday. We had our families over and a few friends that we consider family. We ate some pizza and cupcakes and watched Kami work her way through a pile of presents. We are so very grateful for our loved ones who spent some time with us celebrating the wonderful life we have had since Kami has entered this world two years ago and are thankful that we have a sweet, funny, healthy little girl who we love very much. We look forward to spending more time with her and watch her grow into a person we will enjoy so much.

Kami had a tough time opening presents with her arms through an outfit from her aunt, uncle, and cousin.
No problem mama!

She got some Batman slippers too! FYI-she actually picked them out at Target all on her own without someone's help (dada...).

Kami was intrigued by her tiny camera.

She had a later nap than usual and we had to wake her up right before the party, so she looked pretty sleepy during present-opening time.
Grandma and Grandpa (Dokken) got her a golf club. Grandpa's trying to train her early to be his caddy! Maybe if I used a club like this, I could actually hit the ball...
The girls (Hailey and Bethany Weare) helping out put together the car garage she got from her Nonny (Garrett's grandma).
Here's how Kami shows that she's two. She'll tell you "I two" and put her hands up like this.
She got the "K" cupcake for Kami!
The next day she wore her new "sippers" and mama's necklace. She likes to share presents with others (mostly, she likes to play with our presents-what's ours is hers).

And of course, the best present was the box!