The beginning of January was exciting with New Years (crab legs for dinner!) and my 28th birthday. Kami still wants to sit on the potty, but rarely does anything. She always tells me "mama poo poo" and we go in to the bathroom where she takes her pants and diaper off. She did manage to actually poop in the potty (didn't think I needed to post a picture of a turd in a plastic toilet). Kami's speaking more in sentences (mama I wan cheese, mama cocoa pease, mama more app-o pease) and is such a sweet girl who is learning her manners (pease and cank u). We love having a toddler around the house and are hopeful that the terrible twos never show up.

Kami carried the stool all the way from the other room for ganpa to do his fancy fist thing. When he does it, Kami likes to shake her hands all around.

Kami's a fan of eating limes. Yum...

Kami LOVES stickers and putting them all over the place...

like on her nose.

Kami and mama celebrating New Years with some sparkling cider.

Kami loves her baths. She loves to put her dog (woof woof) to bed (nigh-nigh-go seep) on the side of the tub with a washcloth for a "bankit."
To put a baby to bed, you first read her a book...
then you put her in her crib...
then you try to get into her crib on your own (with no pants on...weird...)

then you put her star and bankit on her. Nigh-nigh. Go seep!

Kami had some left over cupcakes from her birthday.


Kami likes to read on the potty.

Kami using one of her Christmas presents and taking her baby for a walk with the diaper bag. She was nice enough to share one of her bears with her baby.

I asked Kami to go stand next to her bike and this is what she did.

Kami practicing her golf stroke. This was a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa Dokken.

Kami really enjoys her trampoline from her Grandma and Papa Price. Mama and dada are stuck with it in their room until they can figure out a better place for outside...guess we should wait until it's not 20 degrees outside.
Ahhhhh, potty training...I hated it! In fact, having to potty train a child is the best birth control ever!
Awww! She's so cute putting her "baby" to bed! By the way - love the crib. I haven't seen it in real life yet. Very nice!
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