Well, we officially are starting potty training and even went to Target to buy some "big girl underwear!" We have also vetoed the word "panties" since it sounds dirty...eww...I tried to let Kami pick her own underwear out, but she wanted the Diego underwear and those were boy underwear and I felt weird about her having a flap in the front...eww again...Kami's daycare provider (a lovely lady named Denice who Kami loves) thought Kami was totally ready for potty training, so she gets to do it! Why not pawn that off on someone else. She tried today and peed her pants about 6 times, but I'm sure by the end of this week she be a potty pro! Denice also said that Kami was very advanced for her age. I always have thought she was...of course she's a genius! She's my daughter!
As far as talking, it seems like Kami learns a new word/phrase every day. A few of her favorites are "It hurt me!" to which she always sounds really surprised (like running into a wall shouldn't hurt?), "I okay" normally follows the first phrase, and "Diego go!" after her favorite show. It's odd, because she is quite attached to Diego and has to watch at least one of his shows every day. She would watch the same one over and over again. I, on the other hand, would not, and wake up some days singing the theme song. Ugh. She can also count to three and she actually understands what it means (she counts everything these days) and can name more animals than I realize she knows (snake="snek," monkeys="mu-keys," duck="duhs). She picks up on everything, so we have to watch what we say so she doesn't repeat it. She also calls both of her grandparents "ganpa," so you don't know if she's talking about my mom or my dad (on Garrett's side, his mom is "ganpa" and his dad is "papa").
Kami is such a joy to have in our house and we have been so blessed (I know it sounds cheesy) by her. She makes us smile and laugh and our hearts melt every time she gives us a hug or kiss!
I love her outfits! She's hilarious. And I LOVE that skit with Kristen Wiig...she's my fav on the show.
Aw. She's so precious, Tessa!
Those early potty-training days- they look so different without a fat diaper under their pants! She's growing up so fast, and she's gorgeous to boot!
Hey- congrats on your news, too! We're rejoicing with you, and praying for you.
Congrats Tessa and Garrett and Big Sister!
Hey here is the website where I originally found michael's ring and then had our friend order it for us!
Hope all is well!!
I love your crazy kid! It's been almost a month since I've seen her (or you)! :( The "posed" photo makes her look so grown up! Good luck with the potty training!
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