This part of July is always busy for us since we've got pre-teen camp and teen camp just a week apart from each other. This year, I didn't go up to pre-teen camp for the entire week, but Kami and I did go up for part of the week. Kami had a blast digging in the dirt and playing with Brock and I tried to not lose it since it was pretty freakin' hot up there. Kami and I also got to visit Garrett at teen camp for a day and again, she had fun digging in the dirt, playing on the swings, and riding in the golf cart.
We're still working on potty training Kami. She's getting the hang of peeing in the toilet as long as we're taking her to the bathroom every 30 minutes, but pooping in the toilet escapes her and we have gone through many pairs of underwear because of it. Hopefully this too shall pass, but I'm thinking that my dream of having only one kid in diapers is fading seeing as though we've got seven weeks left till D-Day.

She refers to this panda hat as her "Mickey hat" since it's got black ears on it. She's obviously retarded. :)

Nice teamwork! Brock and Kami trying to kill ants, which they did for a while.


Kami's new trick on the swings. She was pretty proud of herself when she showed us how she could swing.

Cute girl on the swings.

The golf cart was the high part of camp for this girl. It was for me too since it meant I didn't have to walk anywhere.

When Kami falls asleep with her mouth open, we know she's exhausted.

"Sook at my muscles!"

She was really excited about this horse to begin with, then we put the quarter in and it didn't quite live up to her expectations.

We've now had fish for about a month and have gone through a few of them, so we again returned to the pet store in search of some hardier fish.

She was very proud of her new fish in her own cart.

"I have a band-aid on my forehead Mama!"

I can hear their brains turning to mush...

The hat definitely matches the personality.

For some reason, while Garrett was gone at Teen Camp, Kami wanted to go sleep in mama and dada's bed. I'm a sucker for her cuteness, so I let her fall asleep in there twice and then took her to her room. Not sure where she got this idea from, but she's cute so I couldn't say no.

"Mama-I payin the drums!"

"Come here ball!"

She's got places to go and people to see!

She LOVES "simmin" on Dada's back.

She's got her game face on for swimming.

Dada teaching Kami how to swim. What you don't see here is her terrified face after they got to the other side of the pool, but she did a really good job of kicking!
1 comment:
She's getting so big! Is she excited about becoming a big sister? BTW, when are you due?
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