Sorry I haven't posted at all this month, but it's been a busy month with finishing up Thanksgiving hosting and buying lots of Christmas/birthday presents. Since my mom's not around anymore, it's up to me to do the Christmas meal and lots of baking as well. We decided to do prime rib instead of the traditional turkey and I made lots of goodies that I hadn't made before, including clam chowder, lentil soup, peanut brittle, and prime rib.
This year, we also decided to split Christmases up and spend the 25th with Garrett's family and the 26th with my family. We did the traditional clam chowder dinner with my family on Christmas Eve, Garrett then went with his family to midnight mass (we figured one of us should stay at home with the girls). Kami got some good loot at the Price's house on the 25th, including a Hello Kitty radio and was thrilled to get a Snow White cleaning toy set from Aunt Patsy and Uncle Nick the next day, with a singing broom that she immediately began to use. On the 27th, we went to brunch with my family where Kami ate 23 strawberries (I was surprised that she didn't poop out a strawberry path) and we enjoyed some delicious potatoes and other chocolate-covered treats. After we finally got back to our house (we spent the night at my parents' house from the 24th-26th), we celebrated our own personal Christmas and Kami's "Santa present" was a kitchen that she's played with every day since. The only gift that we got a sincere "thank you" for was a Dora bath set that was probably the cheapest thing we bought her. I think Kami's favorite part of Christmas was opening everyone's present
After all the Christmas excitement, it was time to move on to Kami's 3rd birthday party, which we had at our house with about 20 people. She had a blast even if she spent most of the time in her room and probably had more fun opening her presents than actually playing with them. We had her party on the 28th but on her actual 3rd birthday, the 29th, we went to "Donalds" (McDonald's) for lunch and then went to "The Princess and the Frog" movie (which was actually pretty cute) per the birthday girl's request. We rounded out the holidays with our traditional Dokken crab feast on New Years' Eve and some football watchin'.
Kami is turning into a little girl right before our eyes and still LOVES her baby sister, which she calls "little one." Brooklyn is talking more and more and smiling lots. She's right on the verge of giggling and can sit in her Bumbo for a while. She's a marathon sleeper who loves her big sister, even if she is loud and crazy.
We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season. Sorry for the novel, but enjoy the pictures!
This year, we also decided to split Christmases up and spend the 25th with Garrett's family and the 26th with my family. We did the traditional clam chowder dinner with my family on Christmas Eve, Garrett then went with his family to midnight mass (we figured one of us should stay at home with the girls). Kami got some good loot at the Price's house on the 25th, including a Hello Kitty radio and was thrilled to get a Snow White cleaning toy set from Aunt Patsy and Uncle Nick the next day, with a singing broom that she immediately began to use. On the 27th, we went to brunch with my family where Kami ate 23 strawberries (I was surprised that she didn't poop out a strawberry path) and we enjoyed some delicious potatoes and other chocolate-covered treats. After we finally got back to our house (we spent the night at my parents' house from the 24th-26th), we celebrated our own personal Christmas and Kami's "Santa present" was a kitchen that she's played with every day since. The only gift that we got a sincere "thank you" for was a Dora bath set that was probably the cheapest thing we bought her. I think Kami's favorite part of Christmas was opening everyone's present
After all the Christmas excitement, it was time to move on to Kami's 3rd birthday party, which we had at our house with about 20 people. She had a blast even if she spent most of the time in her room and probably had more fun opening her presents than actually playing with them. We had her party on the 28th but on her actual 3rd birthday, the 29th, we went to "Donalds" (McDonald's) for lunch and then went to "The Princess and the Frog" movie (which was actually pretty cute) per the birthday girl's request. We rounded out the holidays with our traditional Dokken crab feast on New Years' Eve and some football watchin'.
Kami is turning into a little girl right before our eyes and still LOVES her baby sister, which she calls "little one." Brooklyn is talking more and more and smiling lots. She's right on the verge of giggling and can sit in her Bumbo for a while. She's a marathon sleeper who loves her big sister, even if she is loud and crazy.
We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season. Sorry for the novel, but enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:
Man! Feels like I haven't seen you guys for ages. Awesome pictures. Kami looks beautiful and way grown up in the picture with her birthday cake. And great job on the cake, by the way.
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