I think we've all recuperated from Garrett's 30th birthday with our dear friends and are getting back into our old routine. Work keeps both Garrett and me busy and the girls keep us on our toes. Brooklyn is rolling all around and army crawling all over the place and Kami is a super-spaz. She's got a huge personality and an opinion all her own. She's a funny kid who happens to be obsessed with "princess dresses and tights." I tell her that princesses have to wear pants when they go to work (daycare) and then she can change into a dress when she gets home.
Brooklyn now has four teeth and thinks her big sister is hilarious (as we all do). She still refuses to fall asleep in the car (she screams bloody murder) and will not be rocked or held when tired. She also refuses to use a pacifier but loves to chew on big spoons.
These two girls are such fantastic kids, why stop at two? Garrett, are you reading this?

She's coming for me...

Getting closer (look at those arms!)...

She made it!

She now has four teeth (the pictures are a little out of sequence and her picture with 2 teeth is further down). She got the upper right one the 20th and the left one came closer to the end of the month. She likes to grind them together and it's the worst noise EVER!

Brooklyn hungry!
A collection of Kami's art:

Kami's pet. Her name is Brooklyn, she's got lots of hair, but she's not yet house-trained.
Brooklyn got a sink bath and Grandpa's house and Garrett had some fun with her hair, just like we used to with Kami's.

This one's my favorite. Reminds me of that little alien in cartons, The Great Gazoo.

See the resemblance?

The "morning-after-bath hair."

Not the cutest face, but she's got some funky hair some mornings. We never know what we'll wake up to.

Close up! She really wanted to get the camera.

So close to crawling!

Brooklyn's first two teeth! The right one came in April 6th and the left came around the 9th. Rough weekend while she was teething...she didn't want to sleep or eat and was a mama's girl.
Kami has been wanting to go to a carnival ever since she saw one on TV and there just happened to be a little (if not weird) one in town a while back, so we took the girls.

Garrett should have taken this shot about 2 seconds later when the man started the ride up and she wasn't holding on too tightly. Pretty funny stuff. Is it wrong to laugh at your child?

Driving a "boo" car.

Brooklyn eating a biscuit at the carnival.

Kami and Dada getting ready to spin the apple.

Drivin' her pink car.

The roller coaster seemed like a good idea...

Garrett tried to avoid squishing her, but she was still pretty freaked out.

Don't know what this face is about, but she had a blast on the carousel.

Long day for Kami.

The carnival wore Brooklyn out too.

Brooklyn woke up at the end of the car trip home, but Kami was out cold.

Seat belts...so we can be safe! Thanks Dora...

She doesn't like backseat drivers.

She loves driving!

Yummy apple.

Batman is watching Brooklyn...

Hanging out at the park.
The four of us took a hike out by the lake. Kami had a blast running ahead of all of us.

Posing by the fence.

Silly girl.


Pigtails day two.
Another day, another hike, but this time by a river.

A perfect example of Brooklyn's dopey look. Isn't she sweet?

Brooklyn and Dada sitting on a rock.

Chillin' on a rock.

Kami hitched a ride on Mama's shoulders and my neck paid for it the next day.

Our best family picture attempt.

Our lizard friend.

This is what most of the hike went like...Kami running ahead of everyone.
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