Happy 2011! The Price family got to go to my dad's house and enjoy some crab legs with my family and some friends on New Year's Day, and on the Eve of New Year's, we spent some time with our good friends, the Bewleys, and their boys. We sure like to live it up around here! I'm too old anymore to stay out past midnight, and by the time I went to sleep, around 11:00, it was 2011 somewhere, so good enough.
Every day I am reminded of how blessed I am to have this sweet family and my two adorable girls. They love each other so much and Brooklyn will listen to Kami better than she will listen to anyone else (other than Grandpa-he holds a special place in that girl's heart). She can be quite the turd and is now starting to "run," which means she can run away from me when I'm trying to get her to stop doing something or if it's bed time. She giggles the entire time she's doing it, and I often end up giggling with her. Kami and Brooklyn also love taking their baths together and even though I end up cleaning up tons of water from around the tub, it's worth it to hear Kami say, "Watch this Brooky-pie!" and then to hear Brooklyn scream in delight. Kami is maturing more and more each day. She can write all her numbers, knows how to write her name, and is becoming more familiar with the letters and their sounds. She is constantly cracking us up and amazes us with her insight. One night, she wanted something warmed up in the microwave, and she asked me to put it in the time machine. I wasn't quite sure what she meant, so she clarified, "You know mama, the time machine that makes things cool down. I mean warm up. Up there!" It's funny to figure out her train of thought and her point of view.
Enjoy the pictures!
Nice. The slave labor pic looks like Kami is rebuilding the vacuum motor. And Brooklyn looks like a coke addict with the white lips.
Tylenol and cupcakes, eh? Nice. I agree with her!
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