Okay...so I do have a few excuses for not getting an Easter post done until September. A.) We moved from Nampa to Boise at the end of May, B.) My work location closed, so I was pretty busy making sure everything got closed okay, C.) Our house in Boise needed some updates, so we've been busy with some renovations, D.) I've been moved to two different locations at work since my other one closed, so needless to say, it's been a bit much, and E.) We've got two busy girls that keep us all entertained, so one of the last things I want to do after work or on the weekends is update this blog. Plus, my laptop stopped working, so all pictures after this are stuck on my hard drive which Garrett promises me will be taken care of soon and some are on his work laptop, so I promise, I will be getting this blog updated!!
Brooklyn continues to grow into more and more of a goofy girl each day. It's so fun to watch her get older and discover new things. She loves her big sister and candy and is still quite the Grandpa's girl. Kami is getting smarter with each day that passes. She also loves her sister and candy. Hope you enjoy the shots from Easter and random ones from the fun that we have!

Kami finally decided that she wanted to take a ride on Garrett's bike. About two seconds after they pulled out of the driveway, she was done.

So engrossed with the iPad...

They do this a lot...striking the same pose and not even meaning to.

Kami can be quite particular. I thought it was funny that she wanted all her marshmallows standing up on their ends. A girl after my own organized heart...

So excited for Easter candy!!

Not quite sure what to think of her Easter donut. She ended up picking the candy off and licking all the frosting, but didn't take a single bite. Stinker.

Gotta love the pajama dress, shorts, and slip on shoes. She dresses herself a lot these days...

Headed to church and pretty happy about it.

Also pretty happy about going to church.

They were so excited for the Easter egg hunt it was ridiculous.

Mmm...cocoa eggs...

Family shot!

She finally figured out how this Easter egg hunt thing works.

And she didn't really care...

She just wanted her chocolate. Kami, on the other hand, had to be told to stop picking up eggs. She's got this whole thing in the bag!

Family shot at my dad's house.

Kami going crazy! So many eggs!

Brooklyn with one of her favorite people: Grandpa.

Kami showing off her dyed Easter eggs.

I was trying to take a picture of the three Dokken cousins and this was the best shot I got.


She really is a sucker for him. And it's fantastic.

Jonah and his feed bag, I mean Easter basket. Isn't he the cutest?

He was pretty stoked about the candy.

After Brooklyn figured out that there was candy in the plastic eggs, she went to town. Can you tell she's already digging in?

Kami checking out her stash.

Man I've got cute girls! I am kind of partial, but come on! Right?

The sugar was starting to kick in: Kami jumping, Brooklyn spinning...

and Jonah with his evil laugh!

What a goof.

She had a lot of fun spinning. She had a lot of sugar to spin off too...

Kami was trying to make the elephant "pee" in Brooklyn's hair. What a weirdo.
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