Garrett and I were excited to have Thanksgiving at our house with the majority of renovations done. We started work on the kitchen by repainting the cabinets, putting down new floors in the kitchen and dining room, and building out some new cabinetry for some new IKEA appliances and pantry space. Garrett also made some new countertops and put in my new sink so we just needed to paint and put up a backsplash. We did Thanksgiving a day early since Nick had to work on Thanksgiving and it was a really nice, relaxing day. I took some time off, which was awesome, and made the majority of the meal which turned out to be delicious.
Garrett's parents also came to town in November. They flew over from Portland to celebrate Garrett's youngest brother's birthday (Trevorr) and see their other grandkids. Garrett also put his dad to work and got the new wood floors installed while I was at work one Saturday. It was nice to come home to some home improvements that I didn't have to do.
Brooklyn's new thing is being "nakey" and she strips down any chance she gets. She usually looks at us, says "I get nakey now" and unzips her pajamas. It's a silly little striptease and she hasn't had any accidents yet (she also takes her diaper off). Her sister will join the nudity at times and they'll come running upstairs and shake their nude bums at us. We've got a couple of silly girls on our hands. Kami still refuses to wear anything but dresses. It's been tough with the colder weather, but I have convinced her to wear shirts underneath and I'll sometimes manage to get leggings on her instead of tights. I keep warning her that when it gets really cold, she'll have to put pants on, but you choose your battles. She also continues to end up in our room at night. We let her sleep in our room on the floor on the night before church (she doesn't know it's Saturday night), but most of the time, she'll sneak up to our room in the middle of the night and I'll wake up to hear her snoring on the floor. I wonder sometimes why she even has a room. Maybe she'll use it one of these days.
Garrett's parents also came to town in November. They flew over from Portland to celebrate Garrett's youngest brother's birthday (Trevorr) and see their other grandkids. Garrett also put his dad to work and got the new wood floors installed while I was at work one Saturday. It was nice to come home to some home improvements that I didn't have to do.
Brooklyn's new thing is being "nakey" and she strips down any chance she gets. She usually looks at us, says "I get nakey now" and unzips her pajamas. It's a silly little striptease and she hasn't had any accidents yet (she also takes her diaper off). Her sister will join the nudity at times and they'll come running upstairs and shake their nude bums at us. We've got a couple of silly girls on our hands. Kami still refuses to wear anything but dresses. It's been tough with the colder weather, but I have convinced her to wear shirts underneath and I'll sometimes manage to get leggings on her instead of tights. I keep warning her that when it gets really cold, she'll have to put pants on, but you choose your battles. She also continues to end up in our room at night. We let her sleep in our room on the floor on the night before church (she doesn't know it's Saturday night), but most of the time, she'll sneak up to our room in the middle of the night and I'll wake up to hear her snoring on the floor. I wonder sometimes why she even has a room. Maybe she'll use it one of these days.
Brooklyn and Kami were running around downstairs completely nude and Garrett had to try to get B dressed. She wasn't very happy about it.
We're trying to train the dogs to stay on the pillow while they're inside and they're getting pretty good at it.
The three animals needed a post-Thanksgiving nap too.
Kami's self-portrait. She's still got those blue eyes. Lucky girl.
1 comment:
I miss you and yours! When will we get together? I need to see the new kitchen too! Oh, and bring you jam that is long overdue!
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