We welcomed 2012 in with a bang by staying up until 11 and then hitting the hay. I know, party animals. We had another party for Kami’s birthday with my family and Kami got to pick out her own cake. Luckily, we were able to steer her towards the small princess cake instead of the $50 Disney princess cake for the eight of us. She loved being the center of attention and we always have a good time with my family.
Garrett and I got to go on a few dates this month which was fantastic. Sometimes, Kami gets a hold of my camera, so it’s always fun to see what kind of pictures she takes. There were a few pictures that she took when my dad was over “babysitting” one night. You can see below that the girls have the run of the house when he’s over, and they love it.
I also turned 31 and Garrett and the girls were sweet enough to get me flowers and took me shopping. I’ve had a good year and my family makes it even better. I did ring in the new year with some kidney stones and horrible pain, but other than that, a good January!

Cute picture of my dad and Kami. I can't believe I've got a five-year old who will start school this fall! I'm already emotional about it...I can't imagine what a train wreck I'll be when it comes time to drop her off for her first day!

She was so excited about this cake; she got to pick everything out, including the filling, frosting, dress decorations, and writing.

Pretty excited about her Team Umi-Zoomi shirt.

She made some wishes, but she couldn't tell us, because then they wouldn't come true. Brilliant.

These girls have lots of fun with bubbles.

Kami's such a good big sister and tries to help her sister blow bubbles.
**Here are the pictures from when Grandpa baby-sat the girls on one of our date nights.**

Cookie face!

The girls love the peanut butter crackers. Mostly the peanut butter.

Grandpa had some TV watching to do and Brooklyn had some silly faces to make.


Exactly what this girl needs...more cookies.

Pretty impressed with her self-portrait skills.

Close-up of her Squinkie.

I don't know what it is with kids and flashlights, but both of ours love them.

She stood like this for about an hour. Glad I stocked up on batteries at Costco. Or "the Costco," which is what Kami calls it.

Yeah, we've got two nudists on our hands.

This is a prime example of what the girls do while I'm at work. They're so cute that Brooklyn falls asleep in the chair that they're both sitting in and Kami just stays in it and finishes her show.

Anytime Garrett lays down on the floor, Brooklyn runs over and jumps on top of him.

She gets pretty excited about him rocking back and forth!

Kami decided to get in on the acrobatics.

It was pretty funny to watch these three!

I was "treated" to a concert from my two pianists.

Such sweet dorks.

We took advantage of a nice, clear day with some sidewalk chalk and paint.

I always enjoy looking through my pictures to see who's gotten a hold of my camera. Can you tell that Kami took a few shots?

She's such a good picture subject for her big sister.
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