This week, Kami turned 6 months old and had her first pool party (which I didn't get pictures of-duh mom-always have a camera on you-lesson learned). She had so much fun in the pool. It was a baby pool where the water came up to her waist, but she squealed and splashed and even "swam" a bit when I held her horizontal. She'll have her 6 month visit with a new doctor here in Denver (we still love Dr.Shappard though), so we'll keep everyone updated on her size and development. She's also so close to crawling and getting better and better at using her hands and grabbing hold of what she wants (which is usually something she can't have-mom's hair, television remote, Shepherd's ears). She now gets up around 7, eats a bottle and goes right back to sleep until 10, eats lunch at 11, takes an afternoon nap after another bottle from 2-4, eats dinner at 5, takes an evening nap from 6-7, and eats her dessert (another bottle) and goes to bed a little after 9. She's starting to show more of her personality every day (usually with some squeals and squeaks) and it's so much fun to watch!
Kami also got to type this week and here's what she had to say:
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I'm pretty sure she meant to say hi to her friends and family and that she misses and loves them. She might have also been saying some inappropriate things, but she didn't learn those from me! She probably picked them up from her Uncle Nick and his dirty mouth!
Kami's close-up. Everyone else might get tired of an eye color update, but not me, so there! And yes, still blue!

She loves looking at the television, no matter what's showing. I think she really likes watching CNN with her mom. That way, she's well-informed about public events and what-not.
Kami can get up on her hands and pull her knees underneath her. She starts to rock and push off with her legs, but she forgets to move her arms and usually face-plants into the ground. This is also a face she makes with a new sound ("

She usually ends up moving backwards when she tries to crawl, which is pretty funny. We used to be able to leave her somewhere and walk away and she'd be in the same spot, but she's getting dangerously close to becoming mobile. She can move around a little, but not too much to where it's a problem.

She's so close, I can feel it! Feel it, feel it! Come on, feel the vibration!
Kami usually wants something that she can't have (see above).

I think she likes the remote because of all the buttons and lights on it. We got her a few toys with buttons and lights that also make noise, but she still wants the remote. I guess you always want what you can't have...

Until she figures out the crawling thing, she moves around the room by rolling. She can roll from front to back no problem, but the back to front still presents a bit of a challenge.

Look how well she sits up now! She's so proud of herself.

This is the face she makes when she makes a new sound that was discovered this past week. She has successfully found her upper register, which comes out in a high-pitched squeal whenever she feels like it, which is usually at an inconvenient time for mom and dad (a crowded restaurant, in the mall, when it's quiet).

Again with the face/noise. Now she's just showing off.
Kami's still teething, so she's still chewing on her fist, or really anything that comes close to her mouth.
1 comment:
Tessa, I miss you! Kami is getting so big and beautiful~! I really hope things are going good for you guys there and hope the job has been good. I love your page you have done such a good job with it keep all the pictures coming :D
Ashley Yacavace
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