Kami is ridiculously close to crawling and even though she's not crawling yet, she manages to make it from one side of the room to the other side with her little scootch thing she does. She inches across the room or towards whatever she wants to get, which lately, is mom's laptop. She seems to be doing well on the soy formula we've switched her to and she's getting much better at eating her solid foods with less ending up on her face. She's also turned into a pacifier girl lately, which is odd because she never really had any interest in one when she was a newborn. She'll take one when she sleeps and when she's fussy.
The weather here has been pretty nice. A storm seems to roll in every afternoon around 4, so it's stayed cool, unlike Boise! Work is still going well for me, but I'm getting worn out after working 50 hours a week every week. I start to miss my family! Garrett is gearing up to head back to school for a week long class in two weeks.
We're getting ready to have my parents here for a few days this next week, so we're all excited about that! I'm sure there will be lots of pictures with her grandpa holding here coming soon!

Profile view of the pacifier girl.

She can even manages to keep the pacifier in while she's smiling!

She likes to play with the pacifiers when she has them in her mouth...

but she keeps them in there somehow!

Mom and Kami were worn out after watching some quality television.

She fell asleep last night after eating her bottle with dad.

She kept holding on to the bottle even when she was asleep!

Kami is starting to reach for people/things that she wants.

She's testing the waters to see if I'm what she wants...

and decides she'll come see me. It's so much fun to be wanted by your baby!

She likes to ham it up for the camera!

She likes to play with Judah's phone. Am I getting her hooked on phones too soon? I hope she doesn't figure out those any time in the near future.

I got her some barrettes at the store the other day and here's what I did with them!

They seem to keep her longer hair out of her eyes.

Plus it's really cute! She's an Asian Pebbles Flinstone!

See what I mean? But Asian...use your imagination!

I think she likes it!

She's such a smiley baby.

So close to crawling...

and pretty proud of herself!

The Hufstedlers and Prices were having dinner one night and I had some of my crescent roll leftover, so I thought I'd see if Kami was interested.

She gnawed on it for a while...

and made a huge, crummy mess after a while. I'm not sure if she got any in her mouth, but she had some fun with it!

Now that some of her bibs are older, the velcro doesn't stick as well, so Kami's figured out how to pull them off while eating.

Very convenient when I'm trying to clean her up!

Kami stays entertained while mom and dad eat dinner by eating her book. She likes to "read" it too and throw it off the tray to see how many times mom picks it up for her.

Kami hates when I wipe her face off with baby wipes. She makes some horrible faces and tries to turn away when I come at her.

She's much happier after I'm done cleaning her up.
Wow! I love the barrettes!!! She's so cute. We miss you guys a lot. Camp was different without you (or so Chad says, since I was only at last year) but it went really really well.
Watch out for those cell phones! even i think shes to young for that. wait tell shes at least 3. haha just kidding. we miss you so much.
You must get her on the xbox asap for 2 reasons.
1. To start building up the callouses and
2. I might have a chance of beating her at this point.
Nice to see that once her hair started to lay down you decided to start making it stand up.
Hey! The picture of her sitting up made me yell "Holy Crap!" sitting here! It looks a LOT like you! Anyways, we miss you guys a lot! Tell Garrett we say hi.
Love you guys!
Nick and Patso!
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