Kami had her nine-month doctor visit this week. We were one week off, but who's counting? She was officially 29 1/4" long and weighed 18 lbs. 10 oz. That put her in the ninety-second percentile for length and fiftieth percentile for weight. Her doctor is convinced that we're going to have a blue-eyed model on our hands! I'm okay with that if she's going to be making good money and paying my way later on in life! He was quite impressed with her mobility skills and all of her babbling! We are too.
Kami seems to be getting used to her new house with just mom and dad in it. It's a bit quieter than what we're all used to, but it's home. Her first night, she woke up crying. I think she might have been confused about where she was. Ever since then, she's been Kami the Explorer all over the house and a very happy girl!
This week we got to tailgate with my parents and some other family and friends. Kami had to get into the Boise State spirit, so we got her a BSU onesie. She was the cutest girl at the party! Also, her fourth tooth is all the way through-no wonder she's been a grump lately.
Wow - that kid is all showbiz! Teletubbie look-alike now, with a modeling career already preplanned. If any of that falls through, it still looks like she's well on her way to being a blue & orange cheerleader! Good work!
The more I see that BSU onesie the more I want one of my own. If that ever happens I will make sure you all get pictures!
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