Who knew this girl would be so much fun to have around? I can't believe it's so close to her being one year old! She's just the sweetest little thing ever and quite a goofball like her dad. Halloween is approaching soon and I've started (sort of) on her costume, so stay tuned for pictures of our cute little Kami-Bear! Her standing-alone skills are getting stronger-my mom's afraid she's going to start walking while they're gone to Mexico on a cruise. I doubt that's going to happen, but she might be able to stand on her own by the time they get back (hopefully with some vanilla!). I'm sure Kami's going to miss her grandparents this next week, but she'll get to spend lots of time with her dad and her friends, the Weares! I'm still expecting a fifth tooth to show sometime-I'll keep you posted!

Isn't she adorable? I can't seem to get over it.

This was an accidental picture, but a great accident.

She can fly, she can fly!

Just the two of us.
We took some family photos at the Weare's house this weekend but I don't know which one I like the best-will you help?

I know it's kind of bright, but at least we're all looking at the camera.

Kami's really not flipping you off-I promise.

So, this one looks like the other one, but it's slightly different-which do you like better?

I'm leaning towards this one...

Ooohhh...what are these?

I don't care what they are, they're going in my mouth!

What a little pot-bellied pig we've got!

Kami got a hold of some pudding and a straw at Grandpa's and Aunt Patso's birthday dinner.

She loves little chocolate donuts-they are so delicious!

Chocolate donuts make a girl sleepy.

Being cute is tough on a baby.

Crocheted magnets are tasty.

Dad and Kami eating dinner together.

See-she really can stand on her own!

Crawling in this outfit was a little tough on the hardwood floors.

Kami and Grandma Fuzzle just clowning around.
In the pictures where you guys are sitting down Garrett is doing a good impression of Kami's poop face...
I vote for the barn picture.
I LOVE the pictures of pot-belly pig and Kami loves Q-tips...what a ham! She is getting so big! love you guys!
I'm with you on the barn picture. It's definitely my favorite. How is she growing up so FAST????!
She is really gorgeous! I can't get over those blue eyes! Don't get too excited for her to walk--once they walk, you can kiss any free time you have goodbye!!:)
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