Well, Kami finally got her first ear infection this month. She had been playing with her right ear for a while and had been a bit cranky, but we didn't think much of it because when she's cutting teeth (which she's also doing-two more on the bottom, which makes eight total), she's grumpy. We ended up taking her to the doctor and she had a double ear infection and her doctor was surprised that she wasn't acting worse than she was. What a sweet, sick little girl we have. She just finished her antibiotics and seems to be doing better, thanks for asking. She is starting to talk constantly (I have no idea what she's saying-it's probably Shakespeare or something) and walk around like she owns the place, both of which are really cute.

Yay! More snow! It snowed for about two weeks straight up here and we had a pile of snow that was about five feet high in our yard. It was ridiculous!

Kami was very happy to have her grandparents back (they were in Arizona for a while) and wanted to read with Grandma.

Check out that hair! It's starting to get curly at the ends and is pretty cute.

I think Kami might have gotten into a drawer that she wasn't supposed to.

Can you believe it!

We're so close to a ponytail...

Kami loves drinking out a straw from IHop (they had free pancakes this past week-you'd have to be crazy to miss that!)

Something's funny (thanks for the outfit Hufs-she misses you!).

Kami's new thing is putting her shoes on.

Kami is starting to figure out her Dora car and driving it around the living room.

Who is that hooded figure walking down the hallway?

It's Miss Kamilah who
MIGHT need a haircut.

Kami has a lot of fun crawling in and out of her pack n' play.
Banana montage!

This kid loves food!

I don't know if she'll ever stop eating.

Her stomach is a black hole for food!

Haha! Running around without clothes is funny!

I couldn't quite get her pj top over her head, so it sort of got stuck.

Kami and mom hung out on the couch and ate breakfast together.

Kami also likes to share dad's lunch. I'm glad at least one of them are wearing pants.

Kami loves chicken nuggets.

No really, she loves them! Like I said, she's a black hole for food.
She is so cute! I can't get over those blue eyes. My girls can also eat and eat and eat! They go through these spurts where they eat truckloads of food, then they don't want to eat anything for 2 days. I guess they just know when they are growing.
She looks like she wants a little brother or sister. I can sense it in her eyes. Just kidding, that's just me being selfish! Isn't there a limit to cuteness? If she keeps getting cuter every day it'll have to stop some time...or not.
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