Kami is now over her ear infection, finally, and cutting a molar in the back, so she's done grabbing her ear but she's still drooling like a fiend. She's starting to show just how smart she is lately. She can say cheese quite effectively and she knows exactly what a fork is for (shoveling food into her mouth, right?). Earlier in the week, we tried to take Kami to Kiddie Kandids to take her one year old pictures (a little behind schedule, but whatever) and it was a bit of a disaster. We got to the mall and they were running about 30 minutes late, so we had to wait around. We were already sort of pushing it with her naps, so the extra time that we had to wait just pushed it even more. By the time that we got around to trying to take pictures, Kami was not having anything to do with the Kiddie Kandids lady or any of the props that she tried giving her. We got a total of two smiles (she had her eyes closed in both of them because she did her dorky, cheesy smile) and in the other ones, she was pointing at the camera because she wanted it. We set an appointment for another day, but we decided to not go back and see if we could get pictures at two years. She won't change that much, right?
Kami got a hold of some coffee creamer and thought it was delicious.
Montage time!
1 comment:
That last picture is classic! You're right - she looks far too grown up in jeans and a t-shirt!! Love the asian outfit too.
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