Kami is getting much better at crawling and getting faster too. She's also pretty good at standing up with the help of some friendly furniture. She'll even let one hand go and turn to make sure she has a captive audience. She still has that "bothersome" cough when she wants attention too. Kami is still on her second foods and enjoying the new combinations. She's starting to open her mouth up really wide when she wants another bite and slaps her high chair tray. It's pretty cute.
Garrett and I got to go to the zoo again this past Friday evening and again, it rained, but it was still a lot of fun. We got to see quite a few animals, got some good free food and other things, and Kami seemed to enjoy herself (she wasn't crying, so I think that's happy, right?). She was so good, she got a panda from the zoo's gift shop. We also went out with the Hufstedlers and another couple on Saturday and got ice cream after dinner, so Kami had an exciting weekend!
Something very exciting happened this week too-Kami spoke! I mean a real word and not just baby babble! Saturday, she was crying because Garrett was trying to get her to take a nap, and she looked at me and said "Mama" a few times. It's not just "mamamama," it's "Mama!" I couldn't believe it. She's been looking at me all weekend and saying it to me, so we're going to try to get it on video and post a link to it so everyone can share my joy! It's so freakin' cute!

This is actually a picture from last weekend in Boise. My dad happened to get a picture of Kami and Uncle Nick since I missed it, but we still need to get one with Aunt Patso!

She was so worn out after dinner and dessert that she fell asleep in the car. I have a feeling that this is what I look like when I sleep too...

Here's an eye color update: still blue! I think every person I've talked to thinks they're going to stay blue. How exciting!

This is Kami's new panda that she got from the zoo. It's almost as big as her, but she loves it!

I tried laying her down on the couch for a nap because she acted tired, but she started playing with her panda. Kami: 1, Mom: 0.

Kami was pretty proud of herself for getting out of a nap!

She's had this little bug since she was brand-new and it plays "Rock-a-bye Baby." When she would cry in the car, I'd press the button and she would get really quiet and listen to the music. It was a magic bug and she still loves it almost eight months later. She gets so excited and a big smile breaks out on her face whenever she sees it.

She's pretty proud of herself for standing with just one hand.

Out of all the toys that she's got, she chose her book. Maybe she remembers when Grandma used to read this one to her every morning. Hello Bee! Hello Me!

Dad loves to play with Kami. Her hair really is getting pretty long!

How do you get this thing on? I want to watch Food Network!

Forget it. I found a green cup!

She's playing hide-and-go-seek with her puffs. This one might be tough to find...

She was pretty happy with herself this morning when she got some puffs!

She was also pretty tired. She should be-she was up at 7! So much for mom sleeping in. Looks like Kami: 2, Mom: still 0.

You can take some guesses as to what she's doing here...

Grandma and Grandpa Dokken have seen this face before. Kami had this face on in an Applebees and my dad almost choked on his fish and chips! I feel sort of bad when I laugh and take pictures of her "poop face," but it's funny and I won't be doing it for long. If I do, someone please stop me. I suppose I wouldn't want anyone taking pictures of me on the toilet. Eww!

These next few are from the zoo. It was a little cool and rainy, so both Kami and Dad had their hoodies on.

It's Little Kami in da hood! She got to try some of Mom's mashed potatoes and seemed to really like them!

After her mashed potatoes, she wanted a stroller tray chaser.

After the rain cleared up a little, we were left with a beautiful double rainbow.

This one's sort of like the picture from a few weeks ago at the zoo with the Hufstedlers. Kami likes riding on Dad's shoulders.

I was trying to fix dinner one night and put Kami in the car in the kitchen with me, but she was getting restless, so I grabbed the bottle brush and stuck it on the car. She was no longer restless! She also had a few puffs. I guess she's saving one for later.

Now she's just showing off.

Kami snuck up on mom while she was working on her blog. Pretty sneaky!

Here's a tooth update-her first tooth is farther out of the gums and really hurts if she happens to nibble on you and her second tooth (on your left, her right) is coming through.
And for the piece de resistance...

It's just what Chad wanted...

and if one wasn't enough, don't you worry! I've got two! Now, if you have no idea what any of this has to do with Chad and his birthday, check out the comments on the last post.