I can't believe how fast the time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that I was holding this tiny little body without a personality and now I have this girl that crawls all over the floor and definitely has a mind of her own (if you try to make her do something she doesn't want to do, she lets you know she's not happy about it-must be from her dad)! Next thing I know, she'll be walking and talking!
This past week we got to spend some time in Idaho with family and friends. It's always so nice to visit Boise and get our "familiar faces" fix that we can't get around here. We spent the night at Dave and Carol's on Thursday and were then at my parents' house the rest of the time. Kami showed off her crawling skills and how well she could pull up on things and stand. She even stood with one hand and made sure that someone saw her by "coughing" until someone acknowledged her impressiveness. She also showed off her new tooth! We knew one was coming and it's finally made an appearance on the bottom. By the time we got home on Monday night, the second bottom tooth was getting ready to enter stage left! No wonder she's been cranky and not napping lately. The Prices also got to visit some Caldwell friends and got some pictures with some "extended" family. Both flights were fine, but someday it would be nice to not sit next to a "large" man who doesn't like to sit in my seat too. Dreams do come true, right?
Kami has also been trying a few new foods, like Apple Pear Strawberry, Blueberry Apple, Sweet Potato Corn, and a few other combinations. She still loves her Puffs too!

Big yawn! She kind of looks like a boy, huh?

We got Kami a new stroller and I think she enjoyed the box more than the stroller itself.


Look-it's her first tooth! It's that little red spot on her gums and it's finally poking through the gums. Her second one is right next to that tooth there.

I think the puff might have missed her mouth...

These next few pictures display her acrobatic skills.

She thinks something is pretty funny!

Going for the pillow dismount...

and she's off...

straight for the television!

If you were wondering what her outfit said, now you know, and yes she is!

Here she is with Grandma Carol and a baby doll. She's trying to figure out what to do with it. She's never seen one of these before!

It's kind of like she's waving, but I don't think she is. She did end up playing with the doll a bit and later slapped it around and chewed on its fingers.

Here's Kami with her great-grandparents, Hale and Theta Miller.

And here's her Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dave (Garrett's parents).

Here's my parents (Grandpa Billy and Grandma Nana-we'll work on grandparent names later on) with Kami. You can tell she's a grandpa's girl.

Here was her Sunday best and her new barrettes. She doesn't care for them too much and they're a pain to get in her hair, they keep her "bangs" out of her eyes.

This is our "extended" family, the Weares.

Kami's getting a little too big for baths in the Dokken's sink. We might have to move to the tub like we do at home. She sure liked standing up in the sink and splashing around though!

This is in the Dokken's living room where Kami started showing off her one-handed skills.

Yeah, she's definitely showing off.

The rocking chair was a little tricky, but she soon figured it out.

It even became a teether for her. Maybe it was the rocking chair that brought that second tooth out of hiding.

"Stinker" has become my nickname for her. I think you can see why.

She sat between Garrett and me on the flight home and played with her Panda Jill for a while until she got bored and started making some noise.
We have had enough pictures of Kami. The people demand more pictures of Sheppard!!!
Maybe for your birthday, you'll get some dog pictures...are you just jealous because my dawg is cooler than your dog (note the spelling difference)? I would be to.
Again, kidding?
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