Kami is really getting better at her "fine motor skills." She can feed herself the puffs that we've been giving her for a few weeks, but she likes to grab two or three at a time in each fist and shove both fists into her mouth at the same time. Awesome! She's also pulling up on things and standing up a lot better. Also, She's figuring out how to get back on the ground from standing up so she doesn't just dive backwards and land on her head. How many times can she hit her head on the floor before her IQ lowers a questionable amount? I hope we haven't reached that mark yet...
This weekend, we had some friends over. Rob and Michelle (who Cody and Jeannie met through church) live in Denver and have been here for a while and have a daughter, Abby, who is about a month and a half older than Kami. She's also got six teeth and is saying "Daddy" at nine months. That's ridiculous! Kami poops her pants and blows snot bubbles. Is that what they mean by "gifted and talented?" It was fun to have all three girls in the house and playing together! Kami loves her friends! We also got to go to the zoo with Cody and Jeannie. Jeannie's employer reserved the whole zoo for its employees, so we all got in for free, got some free dinner and popcorn, and got to see the few animals that weren't asleep or hiding from the rain. Both times I've been to the zoo (once pregnant, once with the family), it's rained and I've only gotten to see a few animals. I'm hoping that one of these days, I'll see all the animals that the Denver Zoo has to offer!
A few other things that Kami has shown us: she now likes to roll around while we try to changer her diaper and escape the changing hands; she has quite the temper and REALLY hates to get her nose sucked out, even though she still needs it (she's had a bit of a cold for the past two weeks, so she's got snot free-flowing from her nose constantly); and last but not least, she's a bit of an exhibitionist.
Kami gets really excited when she sees her "Peek-a-Boo" book with the mirror in it.
The puffs thing is cute until it is bear claws. Just ask Tommy Boy.
We went to the Portand Zoo with Madison and my sister and all of the animals were hiding. It sucked. Is there some kind of zoo animal strike that has been unreported by the media?
When Garrett sent me the pic of a dark haired asian female I couldn't figure out why he would send me a pic of his wife. My bad.
See you guys soon.
I don't like to get my nose sucked out either!
Love the dance montage!
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