Kami continues to improve her crawling skills and we have a new game that we play-she crawls away from me and I crawl towards her, then she crawls away even more. She'll also follow me if I crawl somewhere. If I call her name and wave my hand, she comes towards me too and she's responding to her name almost every single time. What a smart girl! Kami's still pulling up on things around the house and standing, but with much more ease. She likes to use my hair as handles when she's close to me, which would explain my flat, lackluster hair. She's still a "stinker" to me. As we speak, she's trying to eat the laptop cord. We see even more and more of her personality every day! She's still got her two teeth, but there have been few opportunities to capture them, so I'll try to have an orthodontic update next week. She's also still saying "mama," although our guests didn't get to experience it. I'm still working on getting the fabled word on tape, so keep watching!
This weekend, Chad and Tara Bewley came into Denver and spent the weekend with us. It was so much fun getting to see them and Kami got a little spoiled by them. We went to Fort Collins to visit the Budweiser brewery, visited downtown Denver, and watched Garrett play a soccer game on Saturday afternoon. Kami got very few naps and saw even more of Colorado. It was fun for all of us!

Everyone's all smiles until the Bewleys had to go home!

If we don't strap Kami into her stroller, she stands up in it and thinks she's pretty hot stuff.

We were getting her old swing ready for a consignment sale that was happening over the weekend and Kami crawled right into it. She's a little big for it now and the back part of the bouncy seat sags quite a bit. At least her diaper doesn't sag!

Judah got a piano toy earlier in the week and Kami wasn't quite sure what to do with it...

until her inner-Beethoven broke out...

and then went back inside. She's got a bit of a short attention span, just like her mama!

We were downtown at the 16th Street mall and decided we needed some cookies for a sugar rush!

As per request, a shot with me included. I decided to trim my own bangs, and I'm still deciding whether or not I should have just left them alone.

Kami's giving her daddy kisses.

And she thinks his beard is pretty funny!

Is Kami the next Mia Hamm?

It was a pretty sunny day, so we broke out the hat!

I even got the umbrella out of the car to shade her pasty skin. She had fun trying to play with it. I'm pretty sure umbrellas aren't baby-friendly...

Kami got some icing on her fingers from my lemon pound cake and decided to give it a try.

I think she likes it! Who wouldn't like sugar and milk mixed together on top of a delicious lemon pound cake?

She had a bit of hat hair going on after the game!

Here's Chad having the best meatball sandwich ever! Fort Collins is known for their meatball subs! Oh wait...

Here's all the ladies at the Fort Collins restaurant. We all had tons of fun!

We stopped off at the New Belgium brewery and Kami got a hold of a coaster and thought it looked pretty good.

Here's a Clydesdale at the Budweiser brewery. They're ridiculously huge! They could kill me with one hoof!

Kami was pretty exhausted after lunch, two breweries, and about thirty minutes drive time. I was tired too, but it's not so cute when I fall asleep in the car.
That meatball sub was so good I am thinking of doing 1 of 3 things. 1. moving to Ft Collins and eating nothing but meatball subs. 2. Entering into a polygamist relationship by marrying one of the delicious subs or 3. Drinking to forget just how good it was.
By the way you probably want to change the sheets downstairs...
HHHmmmm...While I am sure the sub was delicious...I would HURT Chad if he did any of those things! Thanks for letting us stay and for showing us Colorado...I like Idaho though and I am pretty positive I will just stay here. Kami is adorable as always! It was fun to spoil her!
Enjoyed the pictures - and wished I was there!!! For the record, I think you did a great job on the bangs. And While on the hair topic, I must say that I'm a little sad to see that Kami's perpetual bed-head is going away--she's really starting to look quite grown up with her sweepy bags! Miss you guys!
Hey, Tessa! I love your cute blog for Kami! And I "amen" the comment about the bangs--love 'em! I'm glad we've gotten back in touch. I'll talk to you soon!
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