Friday, February 9, 2007

6 Weeks Old

Well, I finally went back to work after seven glorious weeks off, so I don't have as many pictures for this post. She'll be staying at her grandparents' houses while I work, which has been great this past week. Kami continues to get bigger-almost 11 pounds and about 23" long! She's even starting to talk more. She's not reciting Shakespeare yet, but she's on her way!

Her hair keeps getting longer (in the back) and taller (on the top). She's got enough for a faux-hawk!

Here's Uncle Nick and Aunt Patricia changing Kami's diaper. Such teamwork!

Obviously, it was a poopy diaper. Coincidentally, this is also Nick's poker face.

He's much happier just holding her. Kami's pretty happy too.

This is totally unrelated, but Nick's car got egged this past weekend. And floured, and chocolate sauced, and hot sauced, and Italian dressing-ed. It was pretty funny, but only because my car didn't get touched. Those pesky kids!

5 Weeks Old

I know it's been a while since I posted, so here are her 5 week-old pictures. How many more pictures of Kami can I take sleeping or bathing? I'm sure many more will come...

She's starting to smile...sort of cockeyed, but you get the idea. Her eyes are still blue-wonder how long those will last?

This is her fencing position she takes while napping. En garde!

Bathing is an emotional rollercoaster (like mom). First there's anger...

then complacency.

She loves being held by grandma!

Like I said, how many more pictures of sleeping and bathing?

I just can't help myself!