Tuesday, May 22, 2007

20 Weeks Old

Happy Mother's Day to me! My first mother's day was nice-we had lunch at Garrett's family's house (we had celebrated with our mothers earlier in the week) with about 30 relatives, spent some alone time together, and then the Caldwell church had a good-bye celebration/extravaganza for Garrett. It was a really nice event-a lot of nice people said some nice things about Garrett's time at the church as youth minister. We've been there since 2001, so we're definitely going to miss all the people that we have become friends and family with. On a similar note, since we'll be moving in three weeks, I expect to see lots more comments on this blog. You can leave an anonymous comment and leave your name at the bottom of the comment-we want to see just how cute you think our daughter is. We'll be putting other pictures on here (where we live and general pics of Denver), but we want to keep hearing from you!

These were some of the teens that were at the celebration Sunday night along with Chad (he spent his "bachelor years" helping us with them and has become a really good friend to us).

She was so tired one afternoon, so we put her in her swing to see what would happen, and voila!

This was on Mother's Day with my mom, so it's three generations here!

Kami and I were posing for dad on the top of the stairs. She's starting to recognize things now and a camera is one of them, so she knows what to do when we break it out.

Apparently something was funny to her. She's so cute when she gets excited like this!

It kind of freaks me out how "grown up" Kami looks in this picture. I know she's almost five months old, but she's not supposed to be a big girl yet. I can't help but get get a little emotional when I look at this picture.

19 Weeks Old

Well, it's been a whole week since rice cereal was introduced to our little one and she's adjusting quite well. Kami still gets more on her than in her, but it's still a lot of fun to watch her grow and figure out "solids." She's doing really well with "tummy time" and she's been rolling over in her crib-we put her to sleep on her stomach (don't judge me-you don't know me) and when we go to pick her up in the morning, she's on her back. I guess she doesn't want anyone to know about her "rolling over" talents. I'm sure one of these days, we'll see it. In other news, I got a job down in Littleton, CO, so I'll be starting that June 4th. I'm relieved about that because that means that Garrett and I won't be separated for too long, plus I got a promotion, a raise, and a moving bonus! Also, our dog was supposed to get "groomed" by Garrett's mom's dog groomer, and as you will see below, it ended up being a bit more. If you didn't already know, Shepherd is an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix and he had long black and white fur...

Kami obviously has a lot of fun with the rice cereal.

On her little playmat, she likes to eat the rings while I make her have tummy time. It's pretty funny.

I don't know what it is, but when she looks up like this, it almost seems like she's cross-eyed. She's really not, but she's still got blue eyes. A lot of people almost have me convinced that she's going to keep them...I think she might be too long for this playmat.

Kami likes to hang out on our bed in the morning after she wakes up. We have wake-up time together in the Price household.

And the kicker...here's our dog that used to have long hair. Apparently, "groomed" meant shave and a haircut. I'm not sure Shepherd has the right face shape for such a short 'do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

18 Weeks Old

This week, Kami started eating rice cereal. We were all excited about it, but Kami didn't really get it. She got much better at it, though, as the week went on. She even started opening her mouth when she saw the spoon getting closer! She's also getting better at sitting up straight and is laughing a lot more. Her eyes are still blue and her hair is still sticking up. She's so much fun!

She likes to attack things now that come close to her mouth. She's a vicious attack baby!

Her bottom two teeth are so close to breaking through her gums, so everything goes into her mouth and she's constantly drooling!

Again with the things in her mouth.

And again...

She's getting much better at tummy time and starting to have more fun...

until she gets mad because she can't get that darn toy!

I keep forgetting about the whole "red eye" thing in pictures because I never get it, but I guess that's something you deal with when you have lighter eyes. I still don't see any brown in them. Her doctor finally told Garrett's mom that she'd probably keep those pretty blue eyes!

She started eating rice cereal this week and did pretty well with it. She kind of gets more cereal on her than in her mouth. It's been fun though.

Kami and dad like to watch beer commercials on the TV together. We're really starting her off right!

One of her new things is to reach out and touch people's faces. It's pretty cute and she's so gentle.

Kami's got a play mat that she hangs out on and she's getting pretty good at turning around on it. She really likes to get her feet stuck on the mirror and make mom untangle her. It's a fun game we've got going on-not so much for me though.

Garrett thought it would be fun to wrap her diaper changing mat around her legs. Yeah...fun...

He also thought it would be fun to give her the "Donald Trump" look. Again with the fun...