Saturday, May 24, 2008

16.5 Months Old

This post will be a little light since mom and dad were getting ready for their Canada trip, so there are just a few pictures to enjoy. Kami's hair continues to get longer, her personality continues to get bigger, and she is starting to run around instead of just walk fast. My baby is turning into a little girl before our eyes and I'm freaking out a little bit!
Hanging out in a bouncy house. I don't think Kami really enjoyed it that much.

Here is Kami's new hang-out spot.

She loves chillin' in her toy box.

It's pretty easy to get in and out of. What a clever girl.

Dad and Kami keeping the beat at a library music class.

Kami not paying attention to mom.

Kami rockin' some nice sunglasses. What a cool girl.

What a cute girl, right?
They're so funny!

Monday, May 12, 2008

16 Months

I know, I know-I'm a little late in posting her 16-month update. I blame it on something else because it is obviously not my fault that I've fallen behind! Kami has been showing off her personality more and more every day. She is continuing to point out body parts (eye, nose, mouth, ear, fingers, and toes) and still loves to eat! I'm not sure if that will ever change. Since you have waited so long for her pictures, here you go!
Kami has discovered toilet paper...

and the fact that it comes off the roll quite easily.

Man this stuff is awesome!

We might have to look into some sort of gadget that doesn't let her run out of the bathroom with the toilet paper still on the roll. Hmph.

Kami loves her black bear so much!

We have ponytail success!

A profile view.

We picked up some rockin' sunglasses to protect Kami's lookin' balls.

This girl loves balloons!

We didn't want our girl to lose her balloon, so we tied it onto her pacifier. The balloon also served as a nice tracker for Kami in case we lost her in a crowd.

Look, I have a potato!


Kami has started to hold on to her cup with just her teeth. I hope she doesn't lose any teeth!


Kami has discovered cream cheese.

Kami likey!

She started trying to lick the cream cheese off the bagel. What a mess.

Kami is starting to eat a little bit better with utensils, which is not obvious in this picture.

So much sugar...

She gets a 5 o'clock shadow after she eats her dessert.

She likes to taunt her dad...

and that's what she gets!

How can anyone resist this?