Saturday, July 18, 2009

30.5 Months

Happy 4th of July! The Price family had a fun time with the Bewley clan. We swam a bit, ate some hotdogs and hamburgers, played at the park, and watched stuff blow up. Is there any other way to celebrate our freedom?
On another note, Kami had some leftover mosquito bites that are very evident in some of these pictures. Some of them even blew up to quarter-sized blobs and we were a bit worried. They ended up clearing up with a little hydrocortisone and antibiotic cream, but she looked pretty miserable. We've also began to seriously potty train her, which has been going smoothly. She goes pee in the toilet, but pooping is another subject all together. One afternoon when we were at home, she got really quiet in the bathroom while washing her hands, so I asked her what she was doing. She responded "I poopin' mama!" I asked where she was pooping at and she said "In my pants!" Nuts. We're really hoping to have just one kid in diapers, so we've got 9 weeks left. Wish us luck!
Kami was very excited to wear her new clothes for the 4th from Grandma Dokken. Notice how her mosquito bites match her ladybugs...nice...

"Sook (look) at me mama! I smilin'!"

Kami loved the sparklers.

Very proud of herself.

Brock, Kami, Brayden, and Uncle Chad lighting some fireworks.
Run away!

There's nothing like blowing stuff up to celebrate our country's independence, right?

"It too loud mama! I cover my ears!"

Ready for her close-up.

Brock, Brayden, and Kami after a successful 4th of July.

Sweet girl.
Don't look at me! This is her attempt at putting lotion on herself...not too effective...

"Sook (look) at me mama! I skiing!" Garrett was very excited for this.

On a totally unrelated note, I had my first green bean harvest this week and they were delicious!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

2 1/2 Years Old!

Since we got back from Hawaii, the Price family has been laying low. We did manage to get out and go camping with the Weares, which resulted in many mosquito bites for our poor girl. She had a blast and so did we. We also got some fish for Kami and a new crib for our new baby girl. Kami is now 2 1/2 years old and I keep thinking we should work on potty training since everyone says it's easier in the summer. I wish I could just drop her off for a few days and pick her up without a diaper on, but I don't think there's a magic potty training camp anywhere around. I suppose I just need to suck it up and start taking her to the bathroom every five minutes. She has managed to go #1 and #2 in a toilet a few times, but no consistent performance yet. Oh well...enjoy the pictures!
The new crib courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Dokken for the new baby girl!

Fabulous paintings from a fabulous friend! Amy painted these for Kami's room, but now mama's got to figure out where they go and actually organize Kami's room...
Camping pictures:

Kami getting ready to bodyslam her big bear. Uncle Nick must have taught her a thing or two.

She thought she was pretty hilarious, but so did we.

Action shot!

Kami was thrilled to not have to sit in a car seat while we drove to the hot springs in the Weare's van.

Kami's fancy get-up. It was actually really hard getting her shoes on over socks and pj feet, but what Kami wants Kami gets. I keep thinking that will change some day...

Little Miss Diva in Mama's sunglasses.

What a camera hog.

Kami going fishing for Dada.

Nice head massage.

This looks comfy...

Nice foot in the neck.

After we got back from Hawaii, we decided that we needed a pet around the house since we are dog-less, and Kami thought she wanted some "fishies" since she had seen so many in Hawaii (they're everywhere!). So $100 later and two visits to PetCo, here are Kami's new pets!

We got her two of the blue fish and three little red ones. We might add some more to the tank later, but we're good with 5 fish for now.

Kami was quite proud of herself and her new pets. She is a responsible pet owner and feeds her fishies whenever she eats and right before she goes to bed. The only thing that mama and dada have to do is clean the tank once a month. It's much easier than picking up poop or taking something on a walk! I highly recommend fish!