Monday, February 14, 2011

January part 2

This post should really be titled "Gobs of Brooklyn." I obviously didn't take many pictures of Kami this month, so there are a lot of shots of our sweet baby. She's becoming more of a little girl and less of a baby all the time. She's asking "dat," as in "what's that" all the time and starting to repeat more of our words. I think she's going to be a lefty since she's always using that hand to color and eat with. Sometimes, I can't get enough of her.

Kami loves her baby sister and they play together in her room all the time. There are sometimes some jealous streaks shown, but for the most part, they're each other's best friends. Kami is getting better at writing her letters and numbers and still working on letter sounds. She is quite the independent turd (as are both our girls) and knows what she likes.

We're all ready for spring at the Price household. Kami's itching to ride her Christmas bike and I know that Brooklyn loves getting out and running around, especially now that she knows how to run. I'm looking forward to some bike rides, some hikes, and some good ol' vitamin D! Bring on the sun!

So many bubbles!

She'll give up her Tylenol, but not her kitty.

Sweet face, but there's usually something else going on in her head...

Goofy grin. She knows the camera beep means to smile.

She refuses to give up her kitty during her meals.

One fork wasn't enough.

Ready for take-off.

She loves jumping on Dada.

She has a spoon, but her hand will shove cottage cheese into her mouth better. Nice.

Kami ended up falling asleep in my sweatshirt and backwards on our bed. Sweet kiddo.