Sunday, October 4, 2009

33 Months/3 Weeks Old

The end of September has been an eventful few weeks. We've all been adjusting to having a newborn in the house again and I think we're doing pretty well. Kami is always looking for a way to help, whether it's "helping" make a bottle or throwing away diapers. Brooklyn has fallen into a routine where Garrett does the late-night (11) and early morning (7) feeding and I do the middle-of-the-night (3 or so) feeding. I'm still enjoying my time off work and am not ready to go back yet, if ever, but I haven't won the lottery yet, so I'll be back at the bank next month sometime.

We're all looking forward to October since my brother and sister-in-law will be having their baby on October 12th. Patricia will be having a c-section since Jonah is breech, so we're hoping everything will go well and we're excited to meet him!

Kami was very excited about her presents that Brooklyn "got" her for being such a nice big sister. She even showed them off to our fabulous friends, Luke and Amy, who brought us some dinner.

Luke pushing Kami around in a doll stroller.

Kami's sad face. This picture seems to really accentuate how lanky she is.

Kami pretending to nap.

Uncle Nick held Brooklyn and didn't break her like he thought he would.

Brooklyn's so advanced, she's already holding her own bottle!

Kami's head-to-toe panda ensemble.

"Kami Batman" reading her baby sister a book.

Apparently reading a book to her baby sister was so exhausting, Kami Batman fell asleep on mama and dada's bed sideways with her shoes on.

Look, she's smiling!

Kami loves her baby sister!

Proud girl of her smiley face cupcake that she "helped" decorate.

Sisters sharing a bath. Not sure how much Brooklyn liked it, but Kami had a blast.

How can you resist that hair and those cheeks?


Hayley said...

Seriously! Like the lady on Friends says to Chandler and Joey when they're out with Ben, "I think my uterus just skipped a beat." I can't believe I haven't seen her in two weeks! She's changing so much already. *sigh*

Jennspiration said...

Those girls are so adorable! I love the picture of Brooklyn smiling and the bath picture! They are going to have so much fun together!

Amy.E said...

Fun pictures! I'm now "following" your blog so I'll be more up-to-date on the goings on at the Price place. I'm a little slow about catching on to such things.