Wednesday, September 22, 2010

1 year old!!!


Can you believe it? Brooklyn is a year old and time continues to fly around the Price household. We celebrated Brooklyn's birthday with some friends and family, and of course, a nude baby eating cake. We also got to go to a friend's birthday party, enjoy some time outside, watch our BSU Broncos play some good football, and watch our little baby learn how to walk. That's right, Brooklyn's walking!

Since there are a lot of pictures to check out, I won't post too much. Enjoy the pictures and feel free to leave some comments!

Helping Dada brush Po.

Sweet girl hanging out.

A few modeling poses:

Some shots from the park for a friend's birthday party.

Nice swimsuit!

Yummy cupcakes!

Frosting 'stache.

2 girls against 1 dad. Who's going to win this one?

Not sure how many times she'll get to wear this onesie.

I unwrapped a baby! Isn't my nephew adorable?

Brooklyn and Kami were pretty excited about her olives. So was Mama...

Kami was nice enough to help Brooklyn open her presents.

Such an innocent little face.

Just like her sister, she sat on her cake.

Yes, I'll take half a cake please.

She likes cake!

What a mess. This is why there's a tablecloth underneath her.

Mama helping Brooklyn blow out her candle so she doesn't grab it.

Brooklyn's little cake and cupcakes. Mmm. Cupcakes.

Brooklyn riding the rocking horse on her birthday.

Kami fake-sleeping.

Chewing on an upside-down pacifier.

Big girl in her forward-facing carseat!

Brooklyn's birthday dinner.

Brooklyn LOVES this blanket.

She thinks it's funny to try to escape the sweater.

Dad's pretty funny.

Hair everywhere!

There really are two girls under there somewhere.

Kami and her shells from the OR coast.

Kami talking to her "pumas" on her "talking watch."

Go orange, go big blue, fight, fight, BSU!

If Brooklyn can't pick up her food with her fingers, she just eats it off the table. Classy.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

Nice BSU themed family photo! Great pics all around--love the ones of B destroying her birthday cake, and the one on the rocking horse is super cute too!