Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy February!

The second part of February was spent with lots of medicine, Kleenex, and sick days, so I didn't get many pictures. I assumed most people wouldn't want to see sickly, pathetic children so I only took a few pictures during the second part of the month. In between everyone in our house being sick, we had a few good days here and there where the girls were their usual goofy selves. Enjoy the few pictures that I managed to take!

Brooklyn's favorite way to get up on the couch.

Brooklyn thought she wanted a Peep.

Not so sure about it...

Still not sure what to think about it.

You can have it back!

These girls like to watch their stories.

Brooklyn's a big fan of the ottoman.

She also loves her dada.

She has a lot of fun swinging around!

Tons of fun on the big pony!


Schneidy said...

These are pretty cute pictures, but they seem rather inauthentic without snot smeared on their precious faces. Too much?

Hayley said...

I still want that big pony! And your girls are adorable, as always.