Saturday, May 21, 2011

April Showers?

Well, we did end up having some April showers, so the girls were inside a lot. Luckily, we had a birthday party to go to and got to play a few days outside. These girls play together pretty well, so even if we are just at home, they have tons of fun. Brooklyn is starting to chatter a little more and Kami's getting better at math and letters every day. These two keep us busy and keep us laughing. Enjoy the pictures!

Pretty proud of her mud cookie.

We go through a lot of washcloths around here.

Sisters eating delicious ice cream sandwiches.


She's got the cheesy grin, but it's pretty cute!

What is it with kids eating like dogs?

These girls sure do love birthday cake!

Hard hats necessary.

Racing around the track.

Having fun on the rope swing.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

I think it's very wise parenting to have your kids wear minimal clothing at the dinner table. Cuts down on stain-treating I bet!