Sunday, February 15, 2009

25 1/2 Months

Happy Valentine's Day to all! Kami had a very productive month so far. She made some Valentines for her grandparents, decorated some Valentine cookies, and took some photography courses. She is still loving all her friends at daycare and even let mama leave her in her Bible Hour class instead of making me stay in there with her (granted, Uncle Chad was the teacher, but still, a giant leap for mankind). She continues to make more sense when talking and uses lots of sentences. On another note, if you haven't already heard, Kami will becoming a big sister in September, although she would rather have a cookie than a baby brother/sister (we asked her if she was excited to have a baby brother or sister, and she looked at me and then at Garrett and said, "Mama, cookie?").

Focusing in on the rug.

Checking out her photo.

I'm hilarious with Dada's long underwear on!

Yeah, she is. I think if she had a choice, she wouldn't wear clothes at all.

Cool rider...

A little cock-eyed, but got the "gasses" on pretty well on her own.

She was at Grandma and Papa's (Prices) house one night and she disappeared for a bit. We found her downstairs in a chair reading a book.

Kami just had to take her bike out on a sort-of sunny day. Like her jacket? She LOVES the hood.

Kami rewarded herself after decorating some pretty cookies. She likes the sprinkles. Yum.

Oh so good!

Kami found her "hack" and some "goo" to make Grandma and Grandpa's (Dokken) Valentine's Day card. I don't think she gets what glue is for yet, but she had fun.


Kate said...

I think I'd choose a cookie, too ;) Congrats on the pregnancy. I'll be praying that you stay healthy and happy.

Michael + Christina said...

Tessa she is so beautiful! And her hair is SO long! Ramona is jealous b/c she says Rachel is still bald! ha :)