Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Belated 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! The Prices had a blast with a brunch in the morning, a BBQ in the afternoon with a swim, and a spectacular backyard fireworks show to cap off the evening. I was "that mom" that dressed their girls alike, but they were pretty adorable, so there. Kami loved the fireworks and helped light some and both the girls loved swimming. Other than that, we've spent the first part of July hanging around our families and enjoying each other's company.

Kami continues to be a big dork and still has her imaginary friends, the pumas. Sometimes they're nice, sometimes they're not. She had lost interest in her Bear-Bear and allowed other stuffed animals into her life, but has gone back to the dependable black bear that goes with her everywhere. Lately, she's been sleeping in our room on the floor in her princess sleeping bag. If she doesn't start off in there, she's always there in the morning. At least it's not in our bed anymore, and one day, this will end.

Brooklyn is an expert crawler, and is constantly pulling up on everything. At her 9-month visit (which was closer to her 10th month), she was in the 90th percentile for her length and 65th for her weight. She's getting narrower every day! She really likes to feed herself and is a squeaky girl. She'll yell at us if she wants something, like food or attention. Her favorite game right now is to see how many times we'll pick up whatever she's dropped. Hilarious.

Enjoy the pictures and I'll try to get the next post done closer to the deadline!

Our sweet dork.

Laughing baby!

Kami loves swimming with her ring.

She loves to splash in the water.

Brooklyn having fun in the frog.

Ava and Aunt Ginger enjoying the show.

"Helping" Uncle Darrick light some fireworks.

Watching Garrett light one of those weird snake fireworks that kind of look like charred poo. One of these things is not like the others...can you tell which one's mine?

Mama and Kami with sparklers.

Garrett and Darrick having a little too much fun with fire.

Stepping on her pop-its because she throws like a girl and they wouldn't pop when they hit the ground.

Having fun with sparklers.

Kami lighting fireworks with Dada.

And with Uncle Jerrod.

Kami sure is enjoying herself.

Sweet baby!


Brooklyn's trick.

"I'm not up to anything..."

Dada loves to toss the girls.


Brooklyn LOVES animals! She squeals anytime there's one near her.

Again with the leaf eating.

Grandpa and Kami enjoying a swim.


I tried to get both the girls to look at the camera. Here's how Kami helped.

Well, sort of.

Sweet sisters.

This was one of the funniest things I've seen: Kami was pulling a blanket around and Brooklyn crawled over and laid on top of the blanket while Kami dragged her around the house. They were both giggling the entire time.

The tail end (literally) of the game.

Brooklyn and her "monster hair."

Kami was pretty pleased with her 4th of July donut, which she only ate a few bites of.

Kami helped cousin Ava with her shoes. "This is how my mama helps me."

"Princess" Kami making Uncle "Nicky's" cake. Notice how she's making sure that she keeps her purse out of the cake batter.

Looks like Uncle Nicky enjoyed his heart cake. I didn't make a heart cake on purpose...I didn't have any round cake pans and only had hearts left over from Kami's 3rd birthday.

*Brooklyn's a funny girl...she won't use a pacifier that I give her, but she'll steal someone else's like nobody's business. Here's a montage of her thievery in action.

Luckily, this was an easy strike since Jonah was distracted by Kami's musical talents.

Again with a distraction.

He didn't even see it coming.

Kami and Brooklyn getting to ride in the back of Grandpa's truck. Kami now wants a truck...

Isn't my nephew the cutest?

Brooklyn loves bananas!

Kami was nice enough to let Papa take a nap.

Here's Kami's new "pic-sur smile." She's been practicing.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

I, for one, am a fan of the matching outfits when they're that dang cute! I'm also impressed with Kami's ability to wear her purse while mixing cake batter. I doubt I will ever master that skill!