Friday, August 13, 2010

July, part 2

The second part of July was busy. We had pre-teen camp that Garrett and I were at all week long. Brooklyn stayed with Garrett's parents and Kami got to come to camp for part of the week. She had a blast, like always, but ended up getting a mosquito bite on Friday night right above her left eye. It ended up swelling up so huge on Saturday night that we thought about taking her to the hospital. On Sunday, she could hardly open her eye all the way. By Tuesday, it was almost back to normal, but she looked pretty beaten for a while. Garrett then had teen camp to go to during the last week of July and I went through our annual audit at work, so we didn't see much of each other or the girls that last week.

Brooklyn continues to be a sweet girl. She is pulling up on everything and I wouldn't be surprised if she were walking before she was a year old. She's got her four teeth on top and two on bottom that look like little, white Chiclets in her mouth. She is quite vocal and squeals when she wants attention or food. She won't let us feed her anymore, so we have about 20 containers of baby food left over. She wants to feed herself, so we've been cutting up numerous veggies and fruits for her to munch on. She's a pretty speedy crawler and has managed to escape baby prison without being noticed. She still loves her big sister the most out of all of us and thinks Kami's hysterical. Really, who doesn't?

Kami's idea of quiet time is to kick back, relax, and watch a show on the "beemin." She still calls the laptop that, and it's kind of stuck.

Kami remembered the golf cart from last year and wanted to ride in it everywhere.

Having fun in the golf cart.

Focusing on making a pinecone friend.

Kami and dada painting rocks at crafts. Can you tell she got dada's eyes?

Kami and mama. Twinners!

The Price family in their matching camp shirts. Kami's smile continues to be awesomely dorky.

You can already see it starting to swell. She was so wiped out after not napping for a week straight and playing hard at camp.

This was Saturday night after camp was over. Now you can see why we considered taking her to the ER. Ack!

She is one of the cutest girls, right?

Playing with dada's new toy.

Kami was kind enough to style my hair for me. This was day 2 of her giant mosquito bite on her eye. It was way worse in person. Poor girl. She kept complaining that "I can't open my eye all the way mama!"

This is how Kami does her own hair these days.

Kami's rocket ship.

Some more of her sidewealk art. I can't get it to upload right, but it's pretty cute.

Which graham cracker should I eat?

Definitely this one.

Tired girl with her bear-bear.

I was trying to get a picture of Kami before she left for a camping trip with "Aunt" Tara. Nice pose dork.

She got to help me run errands by herself one day, so when we stopped to get gas, she got to pick out a treat, which was a gross, Hello Kitty, marshmallow on a stick. Eww.

And this is why Brooklyn sometimes has two baths a day. She gets food all over her hands, then tears her barrettes out and plays with her hair.

Getting ready to clap...

Big clap! Check out those Chiclets!

Kami and Brooklyn had a blast in the tub together.

Brooklyn looks like she's about to attack!

Smokin' a bathtub crayon and playing with the Little Einsteins.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

Do you let Kami do your hair for work? Looks smokin'!

Love B's crayon cigar! Miss you guys!! Haven't seen you for ages!