Sunday, August 22, 2010

Already August?

I can't believe it's already August and we have an almost 1 year old girl on our hands. The two girls continue to crack each other up as well as us.

Kami's new thing is to assure us that "it okay with me." If she wants candy at nine in the morning and I tell her no, she responds with, "but it okay with me" as if I was really concerned about how she felt about her sugar consumption. Anytime she does anything wrong or bad, "but it okay with me." Thanks for the clarification.

Brooklyn is getting pretty close to walking. She can stand up on her own and has even taken a step without holding on to anything, but hasn't yet started walking. She loves to squeal at us if she's not getting her deserved attention. She loves to bonk heads with her dada and sister as a greeting and has been pretty drool-y lately, so she might be teething. She refuses to eat baby food and is now feeding herself at all meal times. We cut up canned fruits/veggies for her and then she'll feed herself her bottle and gets cranky if someone tries to take over. She's quite the independent little girl with a temper! That'll be fun in a few years...

This is how we know she's tired-she starts to play with her hair after she's done eating.

The food in her hair is for later.

Look at those segments on her arms! Chunky monkey!

She loves olives, just like her big sister.

She's pretty funny and will poke her first finger through the olive.


Brooklyn loves animals, but doesn't know the meaning of "gentle" yet. She likes to slap them in the face and pull on their fur. Nice.

Kami's on a bit of a make-up kick lately. Notice her purple eye?

We had some ice cream samples at Costco, and Brooklyn was convinced that she needed some.

I know it's wrong to laugh, but how can you not?

She still wanted more. Maybe big sister will give me some if I lay the cute on...

Jackpot! But still so cold!

She's very careful about her application.

Eek! So much lipstick...

Someone's been in my closet...

Kami and Dada heard the ice cream truck one night, but couldn't find it, so they went to the gas station and this is what Kami came home with.

So tired, she couldn't even finish her popcorn with cheese sprinkles.

Standing on her own! And screaming!

Lately, Kami has been telling us "I can't see berry (she's been watching Strawberry Shortcake where 'very' is 'berry') good." I told her we'd have to take her to the doctor and get her some glasses, so now she puts on her sunglasses and magically sees so much better.

Nice outfit.

Brooklyn, the baby prison escapee.

Kami's drawing of the family. L-R-Kami, Brooklyn (lying down, apparently), Mama, Po (who's tiny) and Dada. See the resemblance?


The Chad said...

The makeup pictures are truly terrifying. She looks beatup in the eye shadow picture and just scary in the lipstick picture.

Hayley said...

First of all, it's almost September. You're a little late to the "It's already August!" party.
Second, the ice cream picture made me spit water across the room from laughing so hard!
Love those girls.

Amy.E said...

I'm pretty impressed with Kami's drawing! Your girls are precious!