Sunday, March 13, 2011

McCall Winter Carnival

In the beginning of February, we got to go up to McCall with "Uncle" Chad and "Aunt" Tara and their boys. We had a blast looking at a few ice sculptures, eating at the brewery, and doing some serious sledding. The next day, the sickness came down upon our household. I was sick for a while with the crud, then Kami and Garrett came down with stuff and actually were diagnosed with ear infections. That lasted for a week or so, then Kami had to go back to the doctor and still had an ear infection and I got some antibiotics as well. We also had to bring Brooklyn home later in the month for throwing up and the poor girl couldn't keep anything down for 2 days.

In between everyone being sick, we just kind of hung out around the house. We had a few days of sun and signs of spring, so we took advantage of them and headed outside to pick up our winter-weary backyard and (as my mom would say) get the stink off of us. The girls had fun running around out there and chasing the cats all around.

We're hoping that all the sickness has been Lysol-ed out of this house. Enjoy the shots we got when someone wasn't sick!

Kami loves the art set that Grandma and Papa got her for Christmas. I love her self-inflicted hairdo.

Brooklyn didn't have her glasses on when first inspecting the butterfly mask.

She got a better look with her Mr. Potato head glasses on.

Kami and the boys at an ice sculpture.

And two seconds later. Kami is an expert whiner.

A family shot in front of a sculpture.

Kami got to take a pony ride and she was pretty tickled about it.

She loved it!

Fake sleeping on the way home.

Having fun with some moon dough.

"Sister" (as we've started calling her since that's what Kami calls her along with "Brooky" or "Brooky-pie") loves to follow her big sister around and do what she's doing. I'm still a little surprised one or both girls didn't fall off the stool.

Brooklyn is getting better at running and loves to run all around the house.

Sweet girl.

She almost always looks like she's up to something, and she usually is.

Combing her hair.

Running around the backyard.

Luckily she's about a millimeter shorter than the grill, so her head was spared.


Crystal said...

Our family used to go to the carnival when I was little! How fun!
The girls are adorable!

Amy.E said...

I hope Brooklyn's eyeglasses prescription stays the same throughout her life! Mr. Potato Head glasses are so much cheaper than the regular kind:)
Kami and "Sister" are precious as always. We need to get our kids together to run around someday!