Friday, December 30, 2011


August was a good month. We got to relax a bit from all the house renovations and unpacking since most of the painting and the main bathroom were done by now. The girls love the backyard and I love that I can kick them out of the house to, as my mom used to say, get the stink off them. We mostly hung out around the house but did get to go to a wedding of a good friend where Kami was a flower girl. She was thrilled to wear a pretty dress and we had tons of fun at a beautiful wedding.

Brooklyn is talking a ton with lots of words that we can translate for other people ("candy" is one of her favorite words) and Kami is still amazing us with her smarts. She loves anything science-oriented like space, the human body, and all sorts of animal shows. She is getting better at writing letters and is starting to see things in groups of numbers instead of having to count out all the individual items. She's also pretty good with some basic addition/subtraction stuff, so hopefully in a year when we send her off to kindergarten, she'll be ready.

Work-wise, I got moved to a new branch at the end of July. This should be a more permanent position and I've learned a lot from being at four different branches in a year. Garrett is the spiritual care supervisor for a hospice company and is really enjoying it. He gets to develop most of their spiritual care programs and has about five spiritual care providers that report to him. He's also working on his second master's degree in counseling. After this, we'll see if he decides to go into a doctorate program.

Enjoy the pictures!

The almost two year old getting a little too close to the camera.

Brooklyn drinking out of her cup like a dog. Not very effective.

The girls before the wedding. Brooklyn's hair stayed this cute for about five minutes.

Close up of our sweet girl.

Kami the flower girl and her Bear-Bear at the wedding. Pretty nice, huh?

Brooklyn hammin' it up for me.

We're pretty fond of her.

Family shot.

Brooklyn not listening. Nothing new here.

Kami getting ready to swing on the rope.


Kami concentrating very hard on her flower girl duties.

Trying to do some somersaults.

Doggie BFFs.

Getting ready to make some pizzas.

Concentrating very hard on their pizza masterpieces.

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