Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

October was another busy birthday month. Jonah turned two and Patsy (my sister-in-law married to Nick) and my dad had birthdays at the end of the month. We also had some Halloween celebrations; we went to my friend's work where the zoo brought in some bugs, snakes, and other animals and we got to go trick-or-treating with Patsy's family. Kami, after long deliberation, decided to be Princess Peach from the Mario Bros. games. It was between that and a Barbie Princess. Princess Peach was a total surprise, but she was a darn cute Princess Peach. I tried getting Brooklyn an elephant costume, but she got hysterical when Garrett tried to dress her up, so she wore a Halloween shirt for trick-or-treating. She definitely marches to a different beat and is pretty stubborn, so when she says no, she means it.

Brooklyn is getting better at talking and is now starting to put words together in two- or three-word sentences. She also tells me when her diaper needs to be changed. I know that's a sign that she's getting closer to being potty trained, but I had such a rotten time with Kami that I am willing to wait. Kami is becoming more of a princess every day. She wears a dress every single day, tells everyone that pink is her favorite color, and dances instead of walking from point A to point B. It's funny because she still loves to dig in the dirt, shove worms in my face, and watch Batman with dad. She drives me bonkers with her attitude (four going on sixteen) and will argue every single thing with me, but she's also the sweetest thing and a great big sister to Brooklyn. We are very blessed.

Enjoy the October pictures!

This actually happens a lot...she goes into our room to watch a show on the iPad and ends up falling asleep. It was pretty funny to find her with the iPad still on her lap.

Brooklyn's awesome smile.

Jonah getting ready to blow out his candles for his second birthday! We had a little celebration at our house during our weekly dinners with my family.

We also got to go to Patsy's brother/sister-in-laws house for Jonah's official party. Kami loved it because there were four girls for her to play with and Brooklyn had tons of fun playing with the cars and Grandpa.

It's hard getting these two to look at the camera and smile at the same time.

Kami posing for the camera and Brooklyn totally ignoring me.

Riding her bike.

Brooklyn loved playing in this car.


He had lots of fun in his pretty pink car.

Jonah might be more interested in the card than the gifts.

She's got him wrapped around her little finger. And he loves it.

These two sure do love each other.

Jonah was pretty excited about his laptop from Grandpa.

Here are some pictures from my friend's work. The zoo brought in "creepy crawlies" and there was lots of candy to be passed out. Kami got to dress up and Brooklyn didn't care to, but she wanted candy.

My friend's daughter and Kami posing together.

Examining a snake. She's a big fan of animals.

Playing with the hedgehog. Isn't it cute?

A pretty brave princess.

Please sir, can I have some more?

Looking at the walking stick. Gross.

Pictures from Halloween night. It was so freakin' cold.

The cutest garden gnome you've ever seen and Princess Peach.

I tried getting all three of them together for a picture...

All bundled up with dad. It was a really cold night.

Brooklyn and Jonah had this trick-or-treating thing figured out!

We tried to get her to wear a monkey hat, but she wouldn't even do that. Turd.

They ended up with a ton of candy and I think I ate half of it.

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