Monday, November 29, 2010

Close to Thanksgiving!

Not much happening in the first part of November. After getting home from Hawaii, Garrett and I both went back to work and the girls went back to daycare. I took Kami to get her hair cut since she had already done a number on it herself, and we had some fun just hanging out at home. Brooklyn is becoming more active and independent (maybe a bit too independent) and climbing on top of everything. Lately we've found her on the couch or on the rocking horse and if we try to help her, she screams at us. Nice.

Making messes is fun.

Brooklyn is a professional climber these days and climbing on everything.

One of her favorite hang out spots lately. It's the gateway to the couch...

Trying to decide what book to read.

Attacking Dada is fun!

She's a screamer too!

It's all fun and games till Kami cuts her hair off...

Most of it was fine except for the pieces around her face, that were about chin-length post scissors. There's also a good chunk that everyone missed until later by her crown that was about 2-inches long. That will grow out one of these days.

The fabulous Hayley and her skilled scissor hands.

Kami did really well and got a sucker for listening and holding still.

She got about eight inches chopped off and it's now much easier to manage.

Trying to use a fork.

She's got some!

Forget the fork-these are finger foods!

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

Geez! They are growing up too fast! But they're growing up to be pretty little things, so there's that :)