Monday, November 29, 2010

Hawaii 5-0!

Hawaii was a fantastic trip. I highly suggest it to everyone. We went to Kauai for our tenth wedding anniversary and it was just Garrett and me. The girls stayed home with Dave and Carol, who were nice enough to watch them for a whole week.

We stayed up in Princeville on the northern side of the island for the whole time, except for the last night when we stayed in Lihue by the airport. We had fabulous weather, sunny and in the 80s. There was some rain here and there, but who cares when you're in paradise? We did some snorkeling, sight seeing, shopping, did an eight-mile hike to swim in a waterfall, and a three-hour zipline tour.

This vacation was a great way to celebrate our ten years of marriage, but we were ready to come home to our sweet girls. Here's to ten more!

Taro fields outside Princeville.
Pictures from our hike:

This is what most of the path looked like. Uphill, both ways.

Apparently this is emergency helicopter landing. It must be the smallest helicopter ever.

It's bizarre to see it raining in the middle of the ocean.

Random fireplace with a pot leaf on it. Classy.

Garrett and his unsuccessful try at picking bamboo.

We're so close, we can see the waterfall.

See those people under the waterfall? It's not us, but we were there!

Mai tais on the lanai.
Pictures from ziplining:

Ziplining into the lake. Random guy, but it made more sense to have a person in the picture.

I love these signs!

Kilauea Lighthouse.

On our way to the lighthouse.

Pretty Episcopal church on the road to the lighthouse.

Waimea Canyon, apparently aka, the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

A nice tourist offered to take our picture. One of the few pictures of both of us from this trip.

The rainbows are fantastic over there!

Wailua Falls

The Princeville Fountain, right outside our condo complex.


Hayley said...

Have you seen that movie with Steve Zahn when he's on vacation in paradise and there's a killer on the loose? You're lucky the tourist taking your photo didn't push you into the giant canyon and steal your camera. Drew and I are planning on going the year Owen turns five... so five years from now... It'll be our 9th anniversary. And our 10th, considering how expensive it will be. Glad you guys got to go and had a fabulous time!

Amy.E said...

Gorgeous! I so so so want to go and so so so won't get to, which means I'll just enjoy your pictures. I'm amazed you came home! Good thing your kids were here so you had a reason to come back!